Finish Strong With Fearless Faith
Finish Strong With Fearless Faith
Burning Questions #71
Is Jesus coming back soon? What do I need to do to be prepared for His return? How do I effectively share the Gospel with others?
Are these questions on your mind? Terry, Brian and Dan tackle all of them and more in this special edition of Finish Strong. If you want to know what the Bible says about the current state of our world, tune in. If you want to know how you should prepare your heart for the Lord’s soon return, then listen to this podcast. Our answers are straight from God’s Word. On the lighter side, you will also hear about some of the pranks Terry, Dan and Brian pulled in college!
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Welcome to finish strong by fearless Faith Ministries. This is a podcast where we encourage you to use your later years, your retirement years to really do something strong for the kingdom of heaven and to lead others into His kingdom. My name is Dan Wheeler, I'm joined by Terry Steen and Brian rollin. And from time to time, we do a podcast that we kind of called the the burning questions on your mind. And we take questions on our Facebook page, which is at FFM 60, or fearless Faith Ministries. And guys, these are always fun, because people ask us really great questions. And they actually make us think when we answer them.
Terry Steen:Yeah, that really ticks me off. I know. And they came up quick, and there were a lot of them. So that was pretty neat.
Dan Wheeler:Brian, did you eat your brain food today? So you're ready? Well, I'll
Brian Roland:tell you a couple these questions had me thinking. Really work on it. So yeah, let's give it a shot.
Dan Wheeler:Well, we thank everyone on our Facebook page that asked us questions. The first one I wanted to tackle is from Pat, it says, Do you still think Jesus is coming soon? And how do we prepare for His coming? Well, my answer is a big yes. I'm more convinced that he's coming soon. Every day as I see this crazy world and our country and the things that are happening, things we never thought we'd see. But which the Bible has predicted all along what say you guys?
Terry Steen:Yeah, I agree. Yeah, totally agree. And it's interesting that just recently I did a podcast, I'm sorry, not a podcast, but my morning cup of inspiration. And I was referring to first less loan Ian's five, the second third verse for you, yourself, know perfectly that the day the Lord, he so comes as a thief in the night, for when they say peace and safety, then sudden destruction upon comes upon them as labor pains upon a pregnant woman, and they shall not escape. And then further down, it says, Let us not sleep as others do, but watch and be sober. And I was reminded of the day my wife gave me the call that she was going into labor and how quick that happened. And we just have to live every day. Like that's the day, don't we? It's true.
Brian Roland:You know, throughout the Bible, it keeps telling us this is not just that one scripture that you quoted, Terry, it's, you know, over and Revelation 1515, it says take note, I will come as unexpectedly as a thief. I mean, he's telling us, he's coming in, on the 20th verse, or I'm sorry, on the 12th verse of chapter 22, et Cie, I'm coming soon. And my reward is with me, and he keeps telling us this over and over. And I've done a few of my morning cups on the end times, too, and what I feel is happening, and how we are drawing closer than that every day, we're drawing closer, but like you said, it's the birth pangs that we're in right now. And it's going to continue, and they don't stop. And once they start, they start getting bigger and bigger and bigger and greater and greater. And then unexpectedly he's going to come that's why we have to be prepared. as well. We always have to know that we're right with the Lord. We always have to keep him in a frame of mind. That's why studying your Bible that's why praying daily is so important.
Dan Wheeler:Yeah. And Pat said the second part, how do we prepare while we keep working for the Lord? As a Tyrian? Brian both just said, we keep vigilant. We turn from our sin we turn to God, we witness we tell others, that he is coming soon. And I'm reminded of Romans one. If you read in Romans one it says, Professing themselves to be wise they became fools. They're foolish heart was darkened because they glorified not God. Boy, we see that today. Things that are being pushed in our school system are foolishness. And they're quite evil to be to be frank. So we're going to move quickly through your questions. Pat, thank you so much for that one. Here's one that comes from Marley. And Patricia, they both wanted us to talk about the most difficult period of our lives. Who wants to jump in on that one, guys?
Brian Roland:I will. I'd say I had to think about this one because there's so many things you go through in your life. But I think one of the most difficult for me was when I think back on it now was I just graduated, just started my first job at the first TV station. And as soon as the week I started my father passed away. And it was just that quick and he was young. He was only 57 and it was unexpected. But then the next month after that my sister were told has MS. And it's like the whole world was caving in and you feel so helpless and don't know anything you can do. And I think that was the most difficult time because I remember walking out in the field and back with apartment I was I was I was living in in Springfield, Missouri and looking up and the stars were all over the sky there. I just looked up and I said, God, I can't do anything, my hands are tied. I said, if I was the richest man in the world, I could not do anything right now. So I'd have to leave it all up to you in your hands. But that was the most difficult time the most trying time I went through, I think for about six months. So
Terry Steen:for me, it was, and I've shared about it off and on. But it was a period of time where I was working in a ministry, and it struggled and struggled and ended up going into bankruptcy. And I had so many responsibilities in the financial area to deal with past do notes and taking care of the vendors and the pressure and the stress of it all really was kind of overwhelming. And it was a slippery slope. And it worked its way down to where I was laid off. And so here, I was finishing this stressful time, I'm out of a job. I'm in my last semester of working on my masters. And it was a treacherous time that God within a two to four month period just turned around miraculously and gave me a change of direction that kind of it was the impetus for the rest of my career. So it worked out for good, but it was definitely a tough time in my life.
Dan Wheeler:Yeah, I went through to one obviously was going through cancer with Beth. But before that I had just, I went into a world of paranoia. I wasn't sleeping, I didn't want to go on anymore. And I've talked about this before actually wanted to end my life, but God intervened. And it was his word that carried me through especially Isaiah 41. That chapter meant so much to me during that difficult time. So hold on, if you're going through a difficult time, we've all been there. Great question. Number three is from a guy that I went to junior high in high school with his name, so I'm gonna call him Jim B. He asked how do you share the gospel with others? Okay. That's really a tough question, because I think it depends on the circumstances. But Terry, you want to take a shot at that? Well,
Terry Steen:for me, I've never been a confrontational or in your face type person. So my witness initially, is trying to let people see Christ in my life, see that there's something different. And hopefully, they're drawn to that. And it opens the door for conversation. So I usually look for specific circumstances throughout life or when they're in a point where they have need, and then I can share my testimony as to how God helps me. I guess that's kind of how I do it more from an action standpoint. And as the Lord opens up opportunities, and then invite people to church as well, the Lord can work through that.
Dan Wheeler:Yeah, Brian, I know you've been more vocal lately about your faith, as we all have been? Well,
Brian Roland:I'll tell you, things have come around. I did a lot like Terry said, he just kind of let people do my life or ask questions. But what I'm doing now more than anything, is letting people tell me how much they're disgusted with what's going on in the world. And I turn right around, I go, you know, it's in the Bible. They go, and it's in the Bible. It's right there. And all this is happening. It's all been, it's all been prophesied. It's, it's here, it's coming. And it's going to continue to come and it's right there and it opens the door. For man, all you got to do is believe this. And once you start reading the Bible, and if you have Christ in your heart, it's going to open up the Bible to even more so you're speaking to yourself as you're reading it. And I just think more and more people are accepting that nowadays that I can just talk to him that manner.
Dan Wheeler:Yeah. And Tim, one thing I've been doing is I've been trying to engage people more in conversation and kind of steer the conversation a little bit to the Lord. And you know, usually can get cues on whether it's being received well or not, but people in the grocery store, people that are sitting out on the sidewalk asking for money. Wherever you go, you can share the gospel, and maybe you're not without interfering and being like a know it all or interfering in their lives. But, boy, if you look for opportunities, and you prayed for wisdom, and you're really asked God to put someone in your path every day, he opens up those doors. I honestly believe it. Charlie, yes. How long of a discernment period did you guys go through to start fearless Faith Ministries. I'll jump on that one for me. It was a period of about three years it was while I was going through cancer with Beth and it was just the Lord was working on me and working on me and I felt like I hadn't done much for the Lord. And I remember after Beth died I took two of my best friends out for lunch and and so it took me three years but guys How long did it take you?
Brian Roland:Yeah was I was going on that for a couple of years Tuesday had been retired and was sitting there just spinning my wheels. I tried doing other other things, and it just didn't work out. And I didn't think we'd go in this direction. But instead that that day that when you asked Terry and I, I mean, we both just jumped on it, because we were prepared. I think how long Terry was thinking about it, but I was I was a years ahead already to just looking for that opportunity and waiting to what I could do more for the Lord, especially just being retired.
Dan Wheeler:Yeah. And, Terry, what clicked with you about that day at lunch?
Terry Steen:Well, you know, I've been in basically, after my first year out of college, I've been in ministry and working with the church and doing a lot there. So that had been my heart and calling. But I always have left myself open to hear God's voice to do whatever He leads me to. And, of course, Dan, and I, you, you and I had talked over the course of time because of the fun stuff we did in college, that it'd be great to do something again. So when you brought that up that day, it was like, one of those things where you didn't even have to really think about it. It was like, yep, we can make this happen. It's funny,
Dan Wheeler:because Brian and I talked about that, too. And you and I talked about it. It's like, why don't we all do it together? Here we are. Do you realize it was six and a half years later? As we're coming up on the seven year anniversary of Beth passing into heaven? It's hard to believe, Terry, since you brought up college, and the fun things that we did. I'm gonna jump ahead down to Question Nine from Kim, craziest thing you did in college and almost got in trouble for all my I'm gonna start with Brian on this one. Because I think he might have done a crazy thing or two. I know we did.
Brian Roland:I think I when I read this, I told you guys earlier there's things I I did I did get in trouble for so they tried to find almost gotten those difficult. I had to really go back to the
Dan Wheeler:time. That makes it tough.
Brian Roland:I think one one was, I was a DJ over KPCC radios, as we all were at one time. And
Dan Wheeler:tears radio. Yes. Yeah. Terry did a guest shot on my show a few times, I think
Brian Roland:it was it was the campus radio station. And of course, I had the rock segment. And which I would, I went overdue. And I took a shot and was playing one of this song a couple of times, which was very risky for the time we probably still today it was called Jungle Fever. And it don't again, I got told that that Dean Hannah wall was going to be he's looking for me, he's going to be coming down there and from a couple of different people, and I guess I better scratch that pick that tune off of that. And I didn't do it. I had it on one night. Anyways. And I'm sitting here and I'm, you know, playing this song and I'm getting the next record set and all sudden I look up and look out and there's this guy that was his hair sticking straight up. And glasses and he's in a row, but I thought it's handled in a row. And it was virtually alone out of my college roommates, dorm mates, and he just left because he knew that he looked just like him coming. I'd been told he was coming to get me so I thought I was gone at that point. So I put play. I took it off the playlist for that.
Dan Wheeler:Alright, Terry, you're up. Okay, why don't you know what, let's come back. Let's come back. Right here. We'll do a few because Terry's got one. I'll just tease it up.
Terry Steen:No. change mine, Dan. Oh, you are from what we had talked about
Dan Wheeler:earlier. Okay. Yeah. Well, we're gonna tease you throughout this segment. Terry's going to share his now and I'll share mine later. And Brian shared his so. Okay. Gwennie says, What do you do when prayer is difficult? That's a good question.
Terry Steen:I made a couple notes and thinking about that, because that's a tough area. For me. I am great at reading my Bible, and having my devotions. But when it comes to prayer time, sometimes that's a little bit tougher. And I have to remind myself to not be moved by my feelings, or what's going on in my mind, and realize the importance of the faith that goes with prayer. And sometimes when I'm just not feeling closer, it's hard to pray. I try to focus on his love for me, even though there's my lack of prayer, and I don't feel that connection. I try to focus on his love for me. And even though I'm not feeling it, even though I'm not able to pray that I know that I shouldn't could. I'm still I could still be overwhelmed by his love and know that he understands and, you know, I think of Mark 924 I believe, Lord, help out my unbelief. You know, we all go through some of those times where prayer just becomes difficult but we have to power through. Yeah,
Dan Wheeler:the point Brian,
Brian Roland:let's say then, when I have problems like that when I do Just have a difficult time praying, I just started praising. And I just started praise, I started going through a whole list of what I'm thankful for and start praising. And the more I praise, it seems like the closer I get, if I can feel God's presence coming upon me, the more I praise him, and the more I praise him, and that gets me through this difficult time of feeling that my prayers aren't going anywhere that I can't get into it. And think of things I needed to pray about, although I got a list a mile long, but you know, when you start to try it, sometimes they said, prayer is difficult. So, for me to get going with it, I just go into praise. And that takes me down that avenue of prayer.
Dan Wheeler:Amen. I'm going to jump into the next question. I'm gonna just take the next question, and then we'll move on, why does it feel like God is far away? Sometimes, I always feel like God feels far away when I'm not living. Right. And, you know, I would come back to the question of if God feels far away who moved? He didn't. It's usually us. And the other thing that that I think is what Terry just touched on, you know, you don't always feel it. But you believe it doesn't mean that it's not true. And he is, even though we feel like he's far, far away, the Bible tells us in the New Testament, I believe it's in James draw Nyan to Him, and He will draw nigh on to us. So we have to keep going yet, Terry.
Terry Steen:One other thing there that I was thinking is, I think sometimes he pulls back a little to strengthen us and to test our faith. It's kind of like the mom at the playground with the little kid. She's always right there helping him go down the slide, but at some point, she sits back on the bench. Hmm. And lets him do it himself. And I think that does that sometimes just to see. Are we really developing in our walk?
Dan Wheeler:Right, right, Tara, I'm gonna throw this next question to you because we just had your nephew on Derek Steen, and he had such a testimony. And I know your brother went through a difficult time with him because Derek was not living at all. For the Lord. It was near death. And this question comes from Glenny does God have a reason for an estranged the adult child, sometimes people raise their kids to love the Lord, the Raisman church, but they walk away? Is there ever a reason for
Terry Steen:that? Yeah, it's interesting that you'd asked me that one. Because as I went down all these questions, I made comments here and there. But on seven, I put a little question mark like, Man, I don't know if I have a good answer for that. Oh, and so I turned to you. So you turned to me. So obviously, God is a sovereign God, and he does all things. Well, we know that he works all things out for our good. And we stand on that. And we hear that and sometimes that just kind of becomes noise. And people think that that's a cop out or an excuse for a question like this. But if we believe the Bible, that's reality, Romans 828. Yeah, God has a reason for everything. And just like, Derek, my nephew, God turned his life around so dramatically, it took year after year after year after year of prayer. But he now has an incredible testimony that's impacted many lives, seen healings taking place in his ministry. So I would just encourage anybody, if when he's asking this, because that's part of her story, then I would just say, Hang on, keep praying, because God's not done.
Dan Wheeler:Brian, Jeanie wants us to talk about hearing God's voice and discerning his direction. How do you hear God's voice and discern His direction in your life?
Brian Roland:You know, I, I've heard his voice just in my, you know, my mind voice. And there's question was times when I thought, is that really hearing from God, but you test it, which I tested it is I really hear from God, and I move in that direction to see if it's really God or not. If it's not it, it makes itself known to me right away. But in other times, like, well, even when we were moving here to Florida, and the home opened up that we wanted that and we saw, we saw it was available, we saw the tour already listed at lower than what it was going to be listed at before. And I'm thinking, okay, I can I can take this down another 10 20,000, whatever. And as I was driving to the store, I was talking about my wife, so when I get back double will give her a call, and we'll talk about this, but I was driving to the store and I was praying about it. And I was like God, I heard the voice as if he was fit sitting next to me saying, I told you to take care of the widows. And she was a widow. She just lost her husband and son. And I thought, you know, I can't escape the winter and try working down price. We got to give her what she's offered. If that's what she can do with this. She can make it and that's all we'll do. We can write back and put the offer on it was accepted. But that was something that was praying about and thinking how could I do with this? But God knows that he will talk, or I will, I will hear my inner voice. And it's something that usually doesn't come from me. I said that I'm not thinking, you know, and that's why I tested I will test them and say,
Dan Wheeler:Yeah, okay, Terry, craziest thing you did in college that you almost got in trouble
Terry Steen:for it? Yeah. Well, you know, I didn't do that much that would get me in trouble. But this was, to me a funny story. We had kind of a ritual that someone who had a birthday they would get kidnapped at an impromptu time, I do remember. And they would get thrown into the trunk of a car and driven somewhere and dropped off. So my birthday came and went a week or two after my birthday, and I was innocently sitting in my room one evening, and five guys or however many came in, grabbed me, drugged me out of the dorm, open the trunk of maybe Dan's car, I don't know. Those guys did that. And they drive across town three to five miles to a retention pond behind the zoo. It's got scum on it. It's pouring down rain. They carry me drag me out to the opposite side of the pond, hands and legs and they do the swing one, two, and fly me out into the pond take off and run. I get out of the pond as quick as I can. And I'm wanting to chase after him. I actually get to the car before they can pull away and they will not let me in. Dogs they drive away. I can't believe it. So I'm sitting there with soaked clothes in the rain. I've got green scum and mildew marks all over my clothes. And I begin the three to five mile walk back to campus. Probably about a mile or two in I realized that my roommate Dan does have a heart driving up in his car with another guy and picked me up did not make me walk all the way home and I think we stopped for some hot chocolate or something. memorable evening.
Dan Wheeler:I still feel so bad about that tear. You know you do? Like a tiger though took five of us with everything we had to
Brian Roland:get in trouble.
Dan Wheeler:Man, I'm so glad the Lord spoke to me to come back. You never would have gone into ministry with me if I would have to write. We're quickly running out of time. How much time do we spend on Morning cups of inspiration podcasts? Well, I can tell you I spend about 25 hours a week on fearless faith just and I know you guys spend a lot of time to so people have no idea. I mean, sometimes morning comes of inspiration. Don't you have to really think about it look and see session. Yeah.
Terry Steen:Yeah, I was gonna say 15 to 20 hours for sure in a week. And then I do a lot of the back stuff of the database and the financials and things. top of it. So it's, it's, it takes its time. But boy, what a reward for us, right?
Dan Wheeler:Yeah, yeah. Okay, my crazy thing in college, we had a class called cinematography class and it was on a weeknight. I don't remember what night of the week, but they used to have to come through security and unlock this certain building. So that the teacher who came from across town, southwest Missouri State which is not what Missouri State or something. Yeah, yeah. And so so he could get in and one night me and two of my friends one of which is on this podcast with me decided that we didn't want to go to cinematography class. And so there was a guy named Danny Duran there for Spiritual Emphasis Week and he was having special meetings So Terry and I and we wrote a letter I think Terry, you wrote it and I taped it up but it's cinematography classes canceled due to Spiritual Emphasis Week
Terry Steen:that we it seemed logical it
Dan Wheeler:we taped up and then we we all we waited till security unlocked the door. Then we went in, tape this up and then we locked the doors again. And we sat in the business building and watched all these kids come and no one could get in and the guy the teacher comes, he can't get in. Finally they wait, wait, security comes in. We're just watching all this. They go in and a few minutes later, they come walking out and he's scratching his head and we go back to our dorm and regroup comes walking in our dorm room and says guys don't Matter go into cinema, don't bother go into cinematography class, the school, cancelled the class and didn't even tell Womack and boys he ticked
Terry Steen:and we saw the teacher as he stomped out of the building his car and just ripped off man this could be,
Dan Wheeler:Lord, forgive us. I think you forgive us.
Terry Steen:When we both said, great and cinematography.
Dan Wheeler:Well, you're great script on the old ballgame. All right, did Dan ever have I know we're gonna log on to Dan ever have any barriers to being a Christian and QVC, Vicki and Vicki, you know, Mary Beth is a great, very strong Christian as well. Well, one time, I was called in a woman, she wasn't even really my boss, but she thought she was. And she said, you know, Dan, we are okay with you being inspirational. But could you try not to be so Christian? And I said, Well, who is we? And she was, well, my feeling is and I said, Well, that's not me. I'm a Christian. I'm going to talk about the Lord. And I said, but I'll take what you said into consideration. Well, that woman and I went from that meeting into a big conference room, because we had a big meeting with a major computer manufacturer, I won't say the name, but was one of the top ones in the world, all these important people, and there's like 30 other people in the room. And then these people from the computer manufacturer, were on speaker phones. And at the end of the meeting, someone high up in this computer company said, Hey, is Dan Wheeler still in the room? And I said, Yeah, I'm here. And she goes, Dan, I just want to tell you, I love your inspirational messages. And when you talk about your faith on the air, and I hope you won't stop and I looked right at this woman, I just had the meeting and said, I don't plan on it. And as soon as we walked out of the meeting, this woman walked up beside me and said, you win. And I said no, the Lord wins. Good job. Yeah. Boy, I know we're running out of time. Okay, favorite colors and favorite hymns. Guys. Angela wants to know, Brian, what's your favorite color? Blue. That's mine to Terry.
Terry Steen:Man. See, I had to write a couple. I'm like an aqua and purple right now.
Dan Wheeler:Oh, my goodness.
Terry Steen:is awkward. Not manly enough?
Dan Wheeler:Oh, I'm not gonna Yeah.
Terry Steen:My favorite.
Dan Wheeler:Okay, favorite him? Mine is I love greatest thy faithfulness. How great thou art or victory in Jesus. I have a lot of them about you get a great
Brian Roland:dog. I agree. That was my dad's favorite to great. Jesus is the sweetest name. I know. I can just sing that over and over in my head all day long.
Terry Steen:And that one I also love I am vinyl Lord. And the old rugged cross. Those take you way back?
Dan Wheeler:Yeah. Boy, we're out of time. Real quick one discussing politics with others. And do we ever have disagreements? Well, I will tell you, we all pretty much agree in the way we look at the world and the way we look at America. And, you know, I think you have to look at issues, not necessarily parties and see what biblical issues are. And you know, as Christian all
Terry Steen:with you do it all with respect, and you agree to disagree, and you don't have to be confrontational about it.
Brian Roland:Remember, you're not going to change somebody's mind. If they don't want to be changed, just like yours isn't going to be changed. Let's switch to the Twitter look at it. Yeah, just get the facts and see what other people are thinking. And that's good.
Dan Wheeler:Yeah, Pamela wants to know, exercises we do to keep us physically and mentally in shape while I'm really behind on my mental exercises. But yeah, now I do more stretching and I use lighter weights and more reps. I don't try to be Arnold Schwarzenegger in the weight room anymore. But I do try to do something, you know, at least a 20 to 30 minute workout most days.
Terry Steen:Balance is key for me too. I do the elliptical machine for cardio or a bike ride, do light weights, and then I do stretching and also balance now for my body because it only takes one face plan to really mess you up. Right? Yeah,
Brian Roland:and I did. Same thing when I told them in this case, I kind of got away from everything, just getting back into the gym with it, but trying to get back and ride a bike. It's been tough and spiritually walking the dogs and I've been feeling it and it's like this. It's supposed to be healed, but it's it's painful. So I think it's just age now it's like it's gonna I hope I gotta get over.
Dan Wheeler:Well, we answered as many questions as time and allow I see we're a half hour into this and that's a little longer than we usually go, guys. We're gonna have to do this again. It's always fun and they always challenge us don't I enjoy it or do I hope it inspired you remember, finish strong is about using the resources we have where we're at in life, to do what we can to help spread the gospel Bob, tell people about Jesus like Billy Graham. That's what we want to do. And we want to finish our lives strong, so that one day we will hear the Lord say, Well done, thou good and faithful servant. That's what we all want to hear. Right guys try Amen. God bless you. We'll see you and talk to you on our next edition of finish strong.
John Matarazzo:Thank you for listening to finish strong. For more information about finished strong and fearless faith. Check out their website F faith.org. Make sure that you rate and review this podcast to help more people accomplish their God given purpose so that together we can finish strong