Finish Strong With Fearless Faith

Can America Survive? #51 REAIR

August 22, 2022 Fearless Faith
Finish Strong With Fearless Faith
Can America Survive? #51 REAIR
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Violent crime is running rampant in the streets of our major cities.  Inflation is spiraling out of control.  The crisis at the border is overwhelming.  The great reset is being pushed.  We are being divided by race, religion and creed.  Is there any hope for America?  How can our country survive?

Dan, Terry, and Brian will help you to understand what is going on and how it aligns with Biblical prophecies of the last days.  They will also show you the way out of this mess according to the Word of God.

This podcast was originally aired on April 18th of 2022.  It became, and still is, our most downloaded podcast!  We believe you will enjoy this eye opening discussion!

After listening to this podcast you will want to make the most of every day! You will be inspired to live your life on purpose for the Kingdom of God.  Remember, everyone starts the race but only the winners Finish Strong!!!


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Dan Wheeler:

Well, it seems ever since early 2020 and the arrival of COVID-19 on the scene that things had been deteriorating in America, so much so I mean, it divided us from vaccinated from unvaccinated mask from no masks. And then there are other crisis the southern border, a disaster, illegal immigrants pouring into this country by the 1000s. And by the way, no vaccine required for them. And they've been shipped around the country many criminals lead in inflation out of control gases sky high education, it seems like they're focusing more on sexual orientation than educating our kids. racial division riots burning and looting defunding the police, crime surging, guys, should I go on and on? I mean, what do you see Brian and Terry,

Terry Steen:

I'm exhausted already just here and all that, you know.

Brian Roland:

Please stop. There's more than that. Yeah, that's just a shame.

Dan Wheeler:

Well, don't panic. We're gonna give you some hope. I'm dealing Wheeler, I'm joined by Brian Rowland and Terry Steen. And this is finished strong with fearless faith. And when we say Finish strong guys, and we look at all the things that are going on going on. And it seems like we are getting close to the last day is if we're not in it. What say you, Brian?

Brian Roland:

I see you're exactly right. And America is imploding. And it's imploding within. Khrushchev said it a number of years ago, I remember as a kid watching him pound his shoe on on the lecture and at the United Nations saying we will bury you from within. And it's not just Khrushchev, of course, he's long gone. But there's there's nations around that want us down. And that's what they're doing. They have been taught infiltrated us, we are being very from within. And I think we're gonna be able to cover a lot of that today and show you how we're being varied. Howard had taken us apart and destabilizing the United States. Yeah, I

Terry Steen:

don't think we want to, you know, it's something that we don't want to pile on everybody to bring them down. But at the same time, we need to know what's going on, and what our options are and what we can do about it. And I think, at the end of this podcast, hopefully, we as Christians will see and know where our strength comes from, and how we can overcome all these things that we're talking about from a Christian standpoint, and be able to sleep at night be able to go on with our day be able to understand where our true focus and mindset should be.

Dan Wheeler:

I remember in eighth grade reading a book by George Orwell called 1984. You guys remember that one? Yeah. You know, when you look at the censoring of big tech, and these new terms, like disinformation and misinformation, it feels just like that fascism. Like, we're, we're losing our freedoms. And it seems like we've gotten away from the Christian principles and values that this country was founded upon.

Terry Steen:

Yeah, that's what always bothers me is, you know, our founding fathers came all the way across the ocean. And they had all these potential chances for death, etc. But they were willing to face it to come here, start fresh, and create a country that gave us those freedoms that gave us that ability to worship the God that we worship. And then slowly but surely, and now it feels like it's being accelerated, how those freedoms are being taken away. And we're becoming more like the other countries that they left. Okay.

Brian Roland:

You know, I think when we look at it, the people in America itself will run America. So Satan wants to destroy humanity, because, you know, we're made in the image of God, and he wants to destroy us. He wants to destroy humanity, especially as as a Christian nation, as we're still a Christian nation. I believe. We're falling away from it rapidly, but he wants to destroy us. And there's this need for one world government. That's what everybody keeps talking about. And the leaders, they think they're doing the right thing. They're a bit of being deceived. And they think they're doing the right thing, because you could tell it's like, when something is going on, and you're going, how in the world, can they look at it like this? I mean, can't you just see it as plain as day it's, you know, black and white, and they don't see it, and they think they're doing right and I, I look at the example of the apostle Paul, he was having Christians killed, but yet he thought he was serving God. And he was being deceived by it. And I think that's what's happening with a lot of the leaders today in our country. And people were falling like lemmings as we are seeing that happen through the whole COVID process and that but there's, there's a lot going on, that's just trying to take us down so that you can destabilize if you can destabilize the powerful countries, and then you're again you have a level ground for a one world government and one world currency and for an anti Rice.

Dan Wheeler:

Yeah, we're going to talk a little bit later on how this is not just an America problem. But America is, you know, has always been kind of the bastion of freedom, and liberty. But there's things going on worldwide, which we're what we're seeing is a part of. When you look back at the Declaration of Independence, though our father, Founding Fathers they were, they acknowledge God as the source of all of our rights. The first paragraph says, and I'm sure you guys can quote this from court rule, right. When the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands, which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the Earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. And that goes on to say, We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights. among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, Terry, it seems like we've forgotten and a lot of people even deny that this country was founded on faith and Christian principles and for freedom to worship.

Terry Steen:

Yes, and if you go back and, and obviously it was laid out by men that knew and had a relationship with God and understood the Bible. And I feel like the Holy Spirit imparted to them the wisdom that was necessary at that time to create these documents and to create the foundation of our country. And so to see where things have gone now, I mean, if anybody would go back and read the history of our forefathers and look at their individual lives, and look at the quotes they've made, and how they believe the Bible, they knew the Bible, it was a part of their life, and how can that be denied? The history is there?

Dan Wheeler:

Well, you know, it seems like our faith has eroded as a country, you know, you go into Europe, and you see all of these vast cathedrals that are empty. I mean, they're beautiful structures that they created. But nobody's in there worshipping. And it seems like in America, I know, I would often drive through my neighborhood on Sundays on my way to church and everybody was out, you know, drinking a beer mowing the lawn sitting by the pool. And, you know, we've got to get back to our faith and to worshiping God.

Terry Steen:

And you know, interesting you say that, Dan, because I've worked with churches for multiple decades now. And this pandemic, the the devil is used this pandemic against the church as well, because it was real, you know, people couldn't go into the church, and they had to wear masks and and most that the average church attendance went down to about 30%. And after that time, it slowly started coming back. But now that you can go to church as normal, most churches, the average church is only back to 60 to 70%. So there's no right, there's 30 plus percent of people that just faded away or chose to watch online or not being part of what we call the church. Wow,

Brian Roland:

interesting, too, is that many dismissive the younger folks there they are associating with the church as the church itself, because they're getting away from the denomination. They are the called the nuns, you know, they just saw that they'll either believe or they won't believe and then they don't know really what they're believing in. But they're getting into that type of a category and they're not attending church. They're just they're pulling away from it. So it's been hard to get the younger people back in there now that the churches are open again,

Dan Wheeler:

you know, it reminds me that because we've done things, I think, at a nation that have really hurt God hurt his heart, and I look at the abortion issue. My goodness, something like 60 million babies 65 65 million, my goodness. I mean, you know, the Bible talks about and Psalm 139, how God knit us and formed us in the woman, you know, the disrespect for life. And everybody talks about women's rights, right to choose, well, who defends the baby's rights? Yeah,

Brian Roland:

absolutely. And you know, you think about it, Margaret Sanger is the lady that started Planned Parenthood. And her plan was if she says is that abortion is just birth control. That's all she looked at it as just birth control. And when you look at that, and another thing that just that but, but with the COVID that's happened now I'm just gonna I'm gonna go a little sideways here go a little lateral. The pandemic course, took more elderly out Anybody else I'm going to call it a lab drug that was created or allowed virus because it it did is definitely affected more the elderly than anybody, but to depopulate of the world you have for socialism or for one world government, you have to take out people. So you're taking out the elderly right now, people that were some of them that that had other medical issues that were going to make them weak, then you take the babies out, supporting them, and you're dropping people out, we had a million people just in America that died from the pandemic, and then you had 65 million babies that have been aborted so far. I mean, that's a chunk of people right there. And then you get that plus what they're planning, they're gonna have to take out more to make their system work. And this is what part of the stabilizing the US is about,

Terry Steen:

you know, another thing along those lines, Brian is and we know, we've heard it, but the destroying of the nuclear family, the destroying of a mom and a dad. And we're seeing every day in the news now how education has all these boards of education aren't have they're both hands around the neck of our kids and our parents, and they're squeezing, they're trying to eliminate any influence that a parent can have on their own child and take that on themselves. And they're trying to teach sexuality, they're trying to teach homosexuality, transgender, all the things that we're hearing about, and they want to indoctrinate them in kindergarten and lower No, and they want to make the family, any type of family be normal. And not consider a mother and a father in a household the way God set it up and plan and

Brian Roland:

that just falls right into Terry about how they are trying to destroy us and how the leadership, they think they're doing good by giving more money out to a single parent not trying to bring the father back. They're getting they're rewarding them. And it's like, oh, my gosh, how can we do this? When you're trying to keep a family together? Because that is the basis for the for our country? I think like you said, it's to have a mother father, at the head of the family

Terry Steen:

is the opposite of what we should be doing. And and you're hoping it's not. So I don't want to be so cynical, but I'm probably wrong. Because I'm pretty naive. That all this is not a master plan. All this is not a strategic plan. I'm just choosing to believe they're very poor decisions. Well,

Dan Wheeler:

I don't know. Later on, I'm going to bring in a younger perspective on this. Our producer, John Matarazzo. John, we've been throwing out a lot of problems with America. And Brian and Terry and I are older. We're in our, you know, late 60s and beyond. Grew up in I think, a simpler time. And some of these things like the craziness that's going on in education and just the southern border and just wanting anyone to be able to vote. What is your perspective as a younger man in his late 30s, on all of this, what are you seeing?

John Matarazzo:

Oh, my goodness, that is a loaded question. Because there's so many broad things in that right now.

Dan Wheeler:

But what strikes you and we talked about when we talk about all these problems we're facing?

John Matarazzo:

Well, first off, they all bother me just like they do you, you know. So there's no difference with that. You know, I'm, I'm a single guy, I do want to have a family and in the future, and so that, you know, that does include children. And so for me, one of the things that is a blaring glaringly obvious thing, problem is the education right now and how, you know, we're all in Florida, and our governor just signed into law, this this thing that, that liberals and leftists are calling the don't say, gay bill. And it's just about parental rights and saying, Hey, we're not going to teach kids, things that they shouldn't be taught before their third grade, right. And so, my parents, they decided, whenever I was growing up, that they were going to homeschool me because they didn't want to have those influences in my life. And it wasn't nearly as bad as it is now back then. So that's something that is that's forefront of my mind at the moment. But all these things that we've been talking about, definitely affect me.

Dan Wheeler:

Great insight. Thanks, Jim. We're gonna talk and we've been talking a lot the first half year but all the problems I want to mention. I know Brian, you've done some research and a lot of people are talking about the World Economic Forum, and the UN 2030 agenda. And you know, these people when you read the things they're doing, they sound really good you know, about world peace and prosperity. They want to ensure all humans can enjoy prosperous, fulfilling lives, free from tyranny and poverty, and the planet. You No, we want to heal the planet. It's so important and in peace. And those thoughts things sound good. But my question is, okay, who's going to run this? There's such a view on globalization coming together. So who's going to run it? Brian, who's who's going to lead it?

Brian Roland:

Well, that's just who was going to lead it right now. It's the united nations that are trying to do this, that by they want to have all these things in place by 2030. And I think it's every four years that they're doing these conferences where they want to know what the nations are doing to reach this goal. But when you look at it, and you read it, it's really boring. It's long, it's boring, but when you read it, it sounds so yeah, this sounds good. i You got you to see where they're going, how you want to help all people. But when you look at behind it, it's like, they want everybody equal, they want, you know, they want to take from the rich give the report type thing, but they want to break things down so that it can go into a one world government, they want to actually serve everybody has on one currency, and they're moving towards that. And who's going to end up running, it's going to be the one that's going to be leader at that time. And that'll be the Antichrist, because there's going to be so much turmoil, and he's the only one is going to have solutions that everybody will listen to. But what this is doing, it's breaking down, not just America, but every powerful country. And that's what they need to do is destabilize the powerful countries. So we can't fight back, we could just fall right in line that has a lot to do with do this. And everybody stands the line and does it, you know, people are becoming that way.

Dan Wheeler:

People that are just noticing and say, Oh, that's not a big deal. Really, right. There's something called the Great reset, but Glenn Beck has been talking about as listening to him today. And the people that are involved there 600 world leaders, they are the richest by far, right. They're billionaires and trillionaires. They're the most politically connected people. The President of China spoke at their last meeting, zhi ping, made sure I got his name, right, gigantic corporations are behind this prime ministers. This is something to be reckoned with and to take notice of and they want to work this plan. They say by 2030, you will own nothing, and you'll be happy, right? Oh, really? They're telling us that?

Terry Steen:

Yeah, it is interesting that the goals they established, it's so subtle, and that's the way the the enemy works. But if you listen to the goals in their generality, you go, Oh, that's not bad. It's in poverty and hunger. Yeah, we want to end poverty and hunger, realize human rights for all. Yeah, everybody should have human rights. You want gender equality? Yeah, you want to protect the planet and the natural resources. Of course, we all do. So on the surface, those sound like, hey, let's all get behind this.

Dan Wheeler:

And you know, they have this term stakeholders, I keep reading, who are the stakeholders, they're, they're the heads of the corporations, they're the ones invested. So sure, world peace, world unity, Let's all hold hands and sing Kumbaya. It's not that simple. And there's going to end up being somebody running it, and they're going to be the wealthy, the very wealthy. And then where are the rest of us going to be? I just don't like the sounds of it. Don't like that. And the

Brian Roland:

five, they call it the five P's, which is the agenda, the five critical dimensions of the 2030 agenda, and its people, prosperity, planet, partnership, and peace. But those are the five that they're going after. And then you dive down, do a deep dive into each one. And it comes down to, again, the stabilization the population, things that have to be occurred to have this happen. So

Dan Wheeler:

on the surface, this all can seem pretty scary. And you know, a lot of people are saying, Wow, was this 10 times? Is the Lord coming back? Hey, we don't know for sure. But I think it could be soon sooner than later. So what can we do as Christians? How? Where is the hope for America? Terry, I'm going to start with you. What are your thoughts?

Terry Steen:

Well, I think it comes back to we as Christians better step up, we better do our job, we better ring the bell. And more importantly, we better pray. If the Christians in this country would pray fervently, God tells us to be anxious for nothing but by prayer and thanksgiving. You know, so we have to pray. And in Daniel, it tells us that God has the ability to set up kings remove kings, he can control any UN counsel that there is and the important thing is us for us is to pray and to not be fearful.

Dan Wheeler:

Yeah. I think we've got a, you know, elect godly men and women in the office to and really pay attention to what's going on. Yeah, politically, but you're right, Terry, you know, I've been praying for revival and Joel. In the book of Joel. He says that God said he will pour out His Spirit on all people in the fire. Old days. And Brian, that's what I'm praying for a great revival. And that's going to happen before Christ returns.

Brian Roland:

Definitely the Bible tells us it's going to happen. And that is going to and I agree with you, and I'm praying in that same vein, I'm over in Genesis 5020, and 21. That's when Joseph was talking to his brothers. This is when he was about to die. And that he said, You intended to harm me, but God intended to do it for good to accomplish, what is now being done. And I really feel that that's a lot of things that are happening in the world today. Things should be in done that aren't good, but they're in the long run, it's going to be good for us. Because this is on God's plan. It says, So then don't be afraid, I will provide for you and your children. This is like God talking to us now. He just assured them and spoke kindly to him. And if we listen and take time to pray, and listen to the Lord, He will bring us peace. He has it all under control. He knows what is going on, because he has set the footprint for this to all happen and take place.

Dan Wheeler:

Right? I go back to Romans 831 of God before us who can be against us, Romans 828. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, and to them that are called according to His purpose. If we stay and dwell in that secret place, they close the Lord. He's gonna protect us. Right, Terry?

Terry Steen:

Yeah, it's so interesting. He said that because I was just gonna read this verse in Psalm 91. One, He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. And I will say of the Lord, that He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in him, I will trust if we stay close to God, if we stay in that shadow, we can trust him. None of this stuff has to make us fearful. God is working through it. All

Dan Wheeler:

right, and I come back for our nation to Second Chronicles 714, which says, If my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face, yes, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land? You know, Brian, the Bible also says, there's a way that seems right unto a man. But then there have is destruction, like you said, all of these goals, all of these things you've been reading about with the 2030 agenda. They all seem good. But are they centered upon the Lord? Is it God's wisdom,

Brian Roland:

right. And it's not that's just it, it's man's wisdom, thinking that there can out think and they can outsmart what's going on in the world, as sure there may be some shortages here of things, there may be famines, or there could be all sorts of things that are going out there, you're talking about the Big Green Peace and all that, you know, this is all part of a plan that God has in place, but they think that they can outsmart it and figure it out themselves. But by doing that, they're going to destroy everything that they know,

Dan Wheeler:

interesting. You said that about the planet, there's so much focus on the planet, people are worshipping the planet more than God. And we're going to talk about that in our next podcast, when we talk about the New Age movement. But Brian, would you mind closing us out in prayer today, we're at the end of our time and pray that people's eyes would be open to what is God's plan? And what is man's plan?

Brian Roland:

Heavenly Father, father would just come before you in the name of Jesus, you know, there's so much that's going on and so much that people are seeing and hearing and trying to wrap their arms around. And it's difficult, difficult time, when we look at it, how the country is being destabilized through drugs and sexual morality and sexual identity and rioting. And just training youth and radical concepts. Lord, it takes us back like how can this actually be happening and and how can they depopulate the populous us or depopulate. America, and it's done like when wars on multiple levels and lab created pandemics, abortion, Big Pharma. I mean, there's so much Lord, that we try to wrap our arms around. We just pray right now that we know that you know, what the big picture is, you know, what's happening all around us, you know, what's going on in our own minds and hearts and the ones that are worried the ones that are afraid, you tell us not to be afraid. So I pray right now that the Holy Spirit would just bring peace on them right now. Bring peace upon us. Lord, we always pray that you'll heal our land. And as long as we're praying that we know that you're going to heal the land around us. You're going to watch over us personally, Lord, and we praise you for that. We thank you for that. And I just pray right now that you would be with everyone listening to this, that you would bless them give them peace, comfort, them name of Jesus I pray,

Terry Steen:

amen. Amen. You know, there's,

Dan Wheeler:

we mentioned so many problems. We didn't even mention the war between Russia and Ukraine. And we've got to be praying for those people. But I just want to leave you with this one of my favorite verses that I've committed to memory. It's always been kind of my rockets. Isaiah 4110 It says, Fear thou not for I'm with the Be not dismayed for I'm like God, I will strengthen the Oh, yeah I will help thee. Yay I will uphold the with the right hand of my righteousness go and read that Isaiah 4110 God bless you guys Terry Brian, John thank you and thank you that are listening. We so appreciate it. Please tell your friends and family about finish strong by fearless faith God bless and we'll be with you next time.

John Matarazzo:

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