Finish Strong With Fearless Faith
Finish Strong is designed to help you discover your unique purpose and develop a plan to leave a powerful legacy. Hosts Dan Wheeler, Terry Steen, and Brian Roland will help you live your life with purpose, change someone’s life for the better and leave a lasting impact on those around you. Everyone starts the race... but only the Fearless Finish Strong!
159 episodes
Is it Gods Will to Heal? #133
This is a complex question. In the Bible, healing is often linked to God's mercy, love, and compassion. However, there are instances where people were not healed immediately or where healing did not come in the way people expected. Some believe...
Season 4
Episode 133

A Closer Walk with God #132
Do you want to know the King of the Universe personally? Are you eager to learn more about the God who created you and has a plan for your life? If you answered yes to those questions then this edition of the Finish St...
Season 4
Episode 132

The Secrets To Aging Well With Dr. Mark Rutland #131
You are about to discover the best way to live life in the golden years! Dr. Mark Rutland returns to Finish Strong and serves up important “deep seated” truths with his unique brand of humor.
Season 4
Episode 131

Keep On Keeping On with Dr. Mark Rutland #130
We live our lives knowing that we have an expiration date. Nobody gets out of here alive. As we age, we become more keenly aware of that date. Many become filled with fear as it approaches. That sense of fear causes t...
Season 4
Episode 130

Do You REALLY Know The Holy Spirit? #129
You probably know that the Holy Spirit is the third member of the Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit.) You might also know that He is our Comforter, Counselor, Helper and Intercessor. Some of you may even be aware that He was present...
Season 4
Episode 129

Attitude of Gratitude: The Key to Happiness, Health, and Success #128
Do you want to discover how you can be happier, healthier, and more successful? The answer is surprisingly simple. It’s a secret that many of the world’s richest and most successful people discovered early in life. People who ...
Season 4
Episode 128

Everyone experiences stress from time to time. There are certain events, however, that trigger extreme amounts of it.If you don’t deal with them properly, the stress will torpedo your mental, emotional and physical health.In t...
Season 4
Episode 127

Overcoming Election Stress! #126
Are you exhausted from months of election attack ads, lies and claims of “misinformation?” Do you feel like you are living in George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty- Four? Are you concerned about the future of America? If so, you don’t ...
Season 4
Episode 126

Imagine the God of Heaven with John Burke #125
Can you imagine dying and standing in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ? Most of us can’t even begin to picture what that would be like. After listening to this podcast, you will long for the day when you do! New Yor...
Season 4
Episode 125

Imagine Heaven with John Burke #124
Does heaven really exist? Does everyone go there when they die? Can we know for sure that we will go to heaven? In this podcast, you’ll learn the answers to these questions from a man who has studied over fifteen hundred near- de...
Season 4
Episode 124

Are You Ready To Die? #84 - REAIR
Why are so many people afraid to die? Death isn't the end if you know Jesus, but it is still a scary thought for most people. We all have an expiration date and none of us get out of this earth alive so how to we make the most of the life that ...

The Rapture, Anti-Christ & Tribulation Featuring John Hope #116 - REAIR
Our most requested guest of all time returns to Finish Strong to discuss end times prophecy. Bible scholar John Hope presents the chronology of events laid out in scripture involving the second coming of Jesus Christ.

Remember when we were kids and everyone over forty seemed ancient? Well, here we are as Senior Citizens and we are starting to feel the effects of our age. Our bodies are suddenly experiencing new aches and pains. Our minds ar...

Ten Things to Do as The End Draws Near #110 - REAIR
As we watch world events unfold, we see Biblical prophecy about the end times being fulfilled before our eyes. Jesus told his disciples in Matthew 24 that nation would rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. He also said th...

The Power of Forgiveness with Jammie Black #94 ReAir
Enduring physical abuse that lead to hospitalization. Outlasting the mental abuse of being held prisoner in her own home. Reliving the memory of being frozen in place, holding her baby, as he held a gun to her head, threatening to kill he...

HOW to live with FEARLESS FAITH #102 Re-Air
Do you want to be remembered as a person of great faith? Do you desire to have faith that is greater than your fear? In this podcast, the men from Fearless Faith Ministries discuss how we can live our lives with fearless faith every...

Running Life’s Race Together #123
The Three Amigos of Finish Strong wrap up their time together at the National Religious Broadcaster’s Convention in Nashville in this episode. They share the fun, comradery and the desire to spread the Gospel that they experienced.&nbs...
Season 4
Episode 123

Christian Rockers Backstage - John Schlitt & Benny DiChiara #122
John Schlitt and Benny DiChiara are blessed with distinctive rock and roll voices. They realize they have God-given gifts and they are using them to spread His Gospel. In this podcast, they both reveal their desire is to spread the ...
Season 4
Episode 122

Use Your Gifts with Kim Gentry Meyer #121
Kim Gentry Meyer has been blessed with many gifts. She is a talented poet, singer, songwriter, pianist and artist. She was Mrs. Massachusetts in 2020 and recently released her debut album entitled Herald.
Season 4
Episode 121

Living a Higher Life with David Welday #120
At the age of fourteen, David Welday attended a Christian camp with a specific goal in mind. He believed it was time to “kiss a girl.” That didn’t happen but he did fall in love with Jesus. From that point on, he wanted to serve Jes...
Season 4
Episode 120

EASTER-The Ultimate Finish Strong Story #119
What does Easter mean to you? Is it one of the few days of the year when you attend church? Do you think of a family get-together that culminates in a delicious meal complete with dessert? What about a giant Easter egg hunt with the kids and gr...
Season 4
Episode 119

Effective Prayer #118
Are you frustrated with your prayer life? Do you feel like you’re stuck in a rut? Do you find yourself rushing out the door in the morning whispering a half- hearted prayer for help with your day? When you crawl into be...
Season 4
Episode 118

Remember when we were kids and everyone over forty seemed ancient? Well, here we are as Senior Citizens and we are starting to feel the effects of our age. Our bodies are suddenly experiencing new aches and pains. Our minds ar...
Season 4
Episode 117

The Rapture, Anti-Christ & Tribulation Featuring John Hope #116
Our most requested guest of all time returns to Finish Strong to discuss end times prophecy. Bible scholar John Hope presents the chronology of events laid out in scripture involving the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Season 4
Episode 116