Finish Strong With Fearless Faith
Finish Strong is designed to help you discover your unique purpose and develop a plan to leave a powerful legacy. Hosts Dan Wheeler, Terry Steen, and Brian Roland will help you live your life with purpose, change someone’s life for the better and leave a lasting impact on those around you. Everyone starts the race... but only the Fearless Finish Strong!
Finish Strong With Fearless Faith
Attitude of Gratitude: The Key to Happiness, Health, and Success #128
Do you want to discover how you can be happier, healthier, and more successful? The answer is surprisingly simple. It’s a secret that many of the world’s richest and most successful people discovered early in life. People who study the Bible are also keenly aware of it. Now, you can learn how to incorporate it into every aspect of your life.
Just in time for Thanksgiving, our three fearless hosts bring you a fascinating discussion on the power of an “attitude of gratitude!” Once you learn to truly appreciate every blessing in your life, your heart, mind and soul will be dramatically transformed! Every area of your life will vastly improve as you become unshackled from toxic emotions like resentment and envy. People will be drawn to you as you develop a more optimistic outlook on life. And you can experience numerous other benefits such as improved sleep, less anxiety and greater job satisfaction.
This podcast will help you make the rest of your life the best of your life, as you learn to unleash the power of an attitude of gratitude! Don’t miss it!
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Did you know that people who approach life with an attitude of gratitude tend to be happier, friendlier, healthier and more successful, and those who practice gratitude daily rarely have a bad day. And as you'll discover in this edition of finished strong, the Bible has gratitude as a major theme. I'm Dan Wheeler. I'm joined by my two cohorts. I couldn't do it without him, Brian Roland and Terry Steen. Welcome to finish strong and guys, when with Thanksgiving appropriate, it is very apropos that we're doing this podcast on gratitude. Yeah,
Terry Steen:it really is, and that's something that I've tried to work on over the years, and it's incredible how it impacts our overall life, isn't it just our whole outlook, and I'm looking forward to it. It should be an easy discussion, shouldn't it? Exactly,
Brian Roland:I think it's easy to be have gratitude be an appreciation in that when, when, when you're giving, when you're giving, it seems like that makes you happy. And by giving in your head and you have an attitude right there of gratitude, because you know that God's always taking care of you, no matter what, from little things large, he's taking care of it. Well,
Dan Wheeler:Cheers, guys, I've got some hot apple cider going in my mug tonight,
Terry Steen:ice tea. Mine's ice tea there in
Dan Wheeler:Florida, where it's warm. I'm up here in November, in Michigan, it's a little cold. Okay, so, guys, I got a little little question for you who said this quote, when I started counting my blessings my whole life turned around. What great theologian
Terry Steen:that could have been about anybody, but knowing you, I'm gonna say it's like Dr Seuss.
Dan Wheeler:Any guesses? Mickey Mantle, Willie Nelson, oh, go with Willie. He's on the road again. But Brian, you know, being grateful has so many personal benefits. I hope you'll take us through a few of those.
Brian Roland:That's very true. Being grateful for one thing, like I was saying gratitude, or you're giving, it makes you happier. You're happier and you have satisfaction in your life. Think of the Beatles or the Rolling Stone song. I can't get no satisfaction. Well, satisfaction, yeah, we could be more optimistic and and live with less anxiety. I know that gratitude will turn a little into an abundance when you have gratitude and and it changes your perspective of your world. I look at Philippians four, six when it says, Don't be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving. That's gratitude. Thanksgiving. It's thankfulness. It's being appreciative. But that's, that's when, that's when we present our request to the Lord when we are thankful in what we have. And gratitude also immensely improves your life, and it gives you job satisfaction. That's one thing we talked about today, Dan, it gives you job satisfaction what you're doing. And it's less than anxiety, which, as you know, I went through that the very anxious times where I haven't had to settle myself down because I I got I was, I don't know what's going on around me. I thought my skin was crawling, you know, I got anxious about everything because I was under stress. And we can control that, and we can do that, and God helps us with that, which we can get on more on another program. But that's the things about benefits, about gratitude, is that it just gives you more satisfaction and you're happier. It makes your day go by so much easier.
Dan Wheeler:You know, guys, many successful people, discover this secret early on in life. It changes everything. It really is the the gasoline that drives the engine for success,
Terry Steen:yeah, and, you know, they they figure it out, and start the day with it. And you realize to some degree, to a large degree, it's a choice. You can get out of that bed in the morning with that mindset of looking for what you can be thankful for and how you can invest in relationships instead of getting up going. I can't believe I got to go into the office again. And it all starts when you get out of bed in the morning, right?
Dan Wheeler:I told you guys this before, but when I first went to my daughter's new house out in South Dakota, the basement in the bathroom, I went in there and there's a big sign. It says being grateful for what we have makes what we have enough, and I think it makes it more than enough. The problem is, people always want more, and you know, much of our time is pursuing things that we don't have, and we need to reverse that. Gratitude reverses our priorities, and it helps us to appreciate the people and the things. That we do have right now, right you make
Terry Steen:people that is so important, because it has such an impact on our relationships, doesn't it? If you have the right mindset, just having that mindset makes Well, for one thing, it makes us friendlier, it makes us more open, it makes us more desirous to get to know people, because we're trying to get to know people from a different perspective as to what we can invest in their life and what they give back to us, as opposed to always looking around the corner for motive and being suspicious and not being thankful, not being grateful. Think about your marriage. Think about your spouse. If you are appreciative of your spouse and you're grateful for them, and you tell them, it's one thing to be grateful, but if you don't tell them that, it's only you're only halfway there. Yeah, realize how impacting that is with our children, our friends.
Dan Wheeler:You know, that reminds me of a guy who went to counseling, and the woman, he's with his wife, and they've been married like 40 years. And she looks at the counselor and says, He never tells me he loves me. And he looks at her and says, I told you the day I married you, I loved you, and if ever I changed my mind, I'd let you know we do. We need to express that. What do you find Brian in your marriage? I tell Pam every day how much I love her and appreciate
Brian Roland:her. Oh, definitely, Oh, definitely. And and you tell Pam that too. I do every day you didn't know that phone call is
Dan Wheeler:in the morning. I wondered who she was talking just joking, folks,
Brian Roland:No, it's true. I mean, and Deb knows so much. I appreciate her. It's the truth. She She My life has changed completely being married to Deb, and I know that, and I realize that, and I'm so thankful for that, because, uh, he brought the perfect person for me. You know, that's she was brave for me. And it's like, it's like, we always say We're like two peas in a pod. We're like peas and carrots. We just, you know, we match up so perfectly. And I thank God for that every day. And well,
Dan Wheeler:you're both upbeat people, and that gratitude, as we mentioned, Terry the beginning, it makes you more optimistic about life,
Brian Roland:makes us happy, and we're happy. We're together, and people notice that about us. They both split pockets with you too. You know, you guys are always happy. We are Yeah, yeah,
Terry Steen:yeah. I was gonna say Karen Ike, almost make it a competition sometimes, because we try to be grateful and thankful and verbalize anything that we notice that each other's done. It doesn't matter if it was taking the garbage out, if it was clearing off the table, if it was doing the dishes, if it was doing the laundry, things that are the normal routine of the day. If someone tells you thanks that you they noticed it that feels so much better, doesn't it?
Dan Wheeler:Oh, it does indeed, yeah. And you know, studies have shown that it improves your mental and your physical health. It reduces stress, it lowers aggression, and it can improve your sleep. Because you don't have all these problems on your mind, you're looking beyond the problems that the blessings. People who practice gratitude, I read, tend to exercise more regularly, so I want to be more grateful. So I do, yeah, yeah, think about that. Next time you go to the gym, I'm gonna add some gratitude to my life right now. Here's something that really struck me, guys, because, you know, I've been struggling with some health issues, which is why I'm going to the cardiologist tomorrow. People, it can help. I couldn't believe this. It can help coronary coronary patients to recover faster. So it's good for your heart. I mean, not just emotionally, physically, when you look at all those things, no wonder the Bible talks so much about being thankful and grateful
Brian Roland:and laughter, yeah, they make it happy, yeah,
Dan Wheeler:yeah. Except for when Terry tells those short jokes, I don't find them funny. Well, I do.
Brian Roland:I mean, I'm so healthy.
Terry Steen:Well, it does reduce it reduces depression, so hopefully that'll offset my short jokes.
Unknown:Yeah, just
Terry Steen:because I will say, I'll just go out and say it that I'm even grateful for you guys.
Unknown:No, are you kidding? I
Terry Steen:said it there. I said it okay.
Dan Wheeler:I'm just gonna say ditto so that I don't have to say it.
Brian Roland:So I got a ditto.
Dan Wheeler:So, you know, our viewers call us the Three Amigos, and we always get compliments, and people are almost a little envious of our friendship. I mean, we've been friends for what, over 50 years now, and we. Don't like each other, it's incredible.
Terry Steen:Yeah, I love it. I love it.
Brian Roland:It's true, yeah, but you gotta appreciate what you have too, yes. And that's one thing that a lot of people don't appreciate what they have, and they have to know how to appreciate it. And in ways of doing that, those writing things down, being grateful daily, being present and alive in the moment that you're in, because Christ is with you. He's given you this moment in life and and you want to be alive in that that shows when other people see you and are talking to you. You don't need to be comparing yourself to other people. Be yourself. Christ lives in you. You're a shining light, and we want to be grateful for that, and that shows practicing self acceptance and compassion for others. I mean, that's it's it all goes into what God says, what Jesus tells us to do. You know, love one another like I love you and and that's what compassion is all about. And express your feelings and spend time with loved ones. I think that's a big one, especially as I get older. I think, Boy, I've got cousins everywhere, and I got one who lives down the street from me here. I haven't seen him yet. I got I talked to him. I got to see him. We haven't seen each other in, oh, 5060, years. I mean, you know, a lot of my time has passed, but I gotta see him. And I think practicing self care for ourselves because we're appreciative of what God has given us and how he is guiding us and leading us. And when we do that, we're showing gratitude back to our Heavenly Father for what he's done for us and and how he is taking care of us. And there's just ways to appreciate what you have.
Dan Wheeler:You know they say that gratitude helps to strengthen your social support. You're surrounded by more friends, and when you think about it, who would you rather hang out with? People that are positive, upbeat, grateful, they're fun, or people that are constantly complaining and bragging about themselves or complaining about others? That is a downer, and I think that happens in marriages. People start out complaining about their spouse, and it becomes a habit. It's a downward spiral. Yep, we have to get out of that. We have to stop it and be grateful.
Terry Steen:Yeah, it's all perspective, isn't it? Yeah, yeah. You know, I just was Go ahead. Did you have something else to add? I was just gonna
Dan Wheeler:say I read a great quote that he is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which He has not but rejoices for those which he has. Now, I don't know if you got guys know this, but it was attributed to guy named Epictetus. Does one of you know Mr. Epictetus? I have, I don't know if epics is for I think he's a Greek philosopher. Terry, you know,
Terry Steen:I know Greek philosophers, but I know one, okay, I know
Dan Wheeler:was that? Well, no, he was French festival. Was that his
Brian Roland:first name or his last name? Oh,
Terry Steen:I just apparently I only know one philosopher. I don't know what kind? Yeah,
Dan Wheeler:I think he's one of those guys. He's so big that he just goes, has one name Epictetus, you know,
Unknown:you're not sure,
Terry Steen:like I was gonna say, in appreciating what you have, it's, it's all the type of perspective that you flip the switch and then you can't focus on what you don't have. And I read a great story about the pilgrims coming across on the Mayflower. We're coming into Thanksgivings right around the corner, and I thought this would be great to share.
Dan Wheeler:Now, wait a minute, they have a picture book about the Pilgrims for kids. Yeah,
Terry Steen:you would not, you would not believe how pretty that may flow. Great illustrations. You had to go there, didn't you? I'm sorry. I knew it was actually, it was actually a pop up. You turned,
Dan Wheeler:I remember when you took the Evelyn Woodhead sped reading, course, and it didn't help.
Unknown:Okay, it's a
Dan Wheeler:joke, teaching John back. We won't go there.
Terry Steen:September of the September 22 they dug these up out of the journals that were kept from the pilgrims, and they got up every morning. There was a big a fair storm taking place. They'd still get up every morning, read the Bible together and pray. This is the kind of people that came across the Atlantic and began and settled our country. And that day, September 22 they opened the Bible to Psalm 107 and felt like this was God speaking to them. It said, Those who go down to the sea and ships, they see the works of the Lord and His wonders in the deep, for his commands and raise for he commands and raises the stormy. End, which lifts up the waves of the sea. So they were relating to that they mount up to the heavens, they go down again to the depths. They reel to and fro and stagger like a drunken man, and are at their wit's end. Then they cry out to the Lord in their trouble, and he calms the storms. And then this verse is the real catcher, oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness and for His wonderful works to the children of men. So even though they were fighting this storm, they realized that they needed to give thanks to the Lord. And that's something we tend to overlook, that there are so many blessings in disguise that go right past us, just like Romans, 828, all things work together for good to those that love God and are called according to His purpose. So there are so many things that are still for good for us, and we're not careful to thank him for those so I thought it was really neat that the Pilgrims realized that even in the middle of the storm, and maybe there's someone listening right now that you're going through a storm, could I encourage you to Maybe thank your way out of that storm. Yeah, wow. Begin to give the Lord thanks and praise for everything that he has done in your life, and realize that whatever you're going through could eventually be for your good. So thank him. Now, thank him now,
Dan Wheeler:boy, that reminds me of Paul and Silas. They're in jail, and they're singing hymns and praises to God, focusing on God, not their circumstance, not their situation. It also tells me that the Pilgrims practice daily devotions. They were in the Word of God, and they knew the word of God to find that passage and go right down song. Yeah, that's very that's very cool, yeah. Well, you know, the Bible talks so much about gratitude, and we're now going to go through some verses. And Terry, since you just shared the story, I'll jump to mine, Psalm 136, one, and I'll read it. It says, Oh, give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good. His mercy endures forever. Now that's something to give thanks about God's mercy, that he's shown mercy on all of us. We were all sinners, and he saved us by His grace and he removed our sin. The Bible says, As far as the east is from the west and you can have your sins removed, and there's nothing greater than that to be grateful for, because then he promises that he's preparing a place for you in Heaven, and when you die, you can be assured of your salvation. And so I love that verse. It says, God is good and His mercies endure forever.
Brian Roland:I have James 117, Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the Father of lights, of the Father of lights with whom there is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. Every good gift we receive comes from God. I think that is one thing we have to remember, is that there are good gifts that we're receiving all the time, even in times when we are down in the valley, there's gifts we're receiving, and that is comfort, that is no anxiety. You know, he's, he's, he's given us peace, and he does that for us, and that's a gift that we can receive from him. And again, we have gratitude for you know, everybody goes through valleys. It's going to happen. It's part of life. And we the ups and downs, but every valley we come out of, we get better and stronger, and especially in the Lord, if we turn it over to him. And so that's what he gives us, that perfect gift from above. I love that. You know, I
Dan Wheeler:was talking to Terry about that picture book, and now he's playing hide and go seek. Did you?
Terry Steen:Did you notice I was gone? Oh, no, we didn't. I didn't know how to I didn't know how to go to the bathroom and get back without anyone notice.
Brian Roland:Well, man, you're fast.
Terry Steen:It was very fast. You're
Unknown:really fast. Somehow
Terry Steen:it disconnected. I had to go come back in again. I don't know what else we do
Dan Wheeler:this live. This podcast is live today,
Brian Roland:so usually Terry goes like this and thinks we can't see him. I know we see him
Dan Wheeler:all the time, or he hides out of the bed. You see his feet stick so tall, Terry, why don't you go with your next verse, the Hebrews reference, 12. Uh,
Terry Steen:Hebrews 1228, let me hunt that up here.
Dan Wheeler:That's where it talks about the Bible and coffee he brews. You're prepared. Oh,
Terry Steen:I see what you did there. See what you did there. 1228, of Hebrews. Therefore, since we're receiving a kingdom that. Not be shaken. Let us be thankful. And so worship God has sent us acceptably with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire, and you know it, it's obviously telling us to be thankful, but what it's really saying there is everything else is going to pass away and be consumed. If we think a little bit toward eternity, the only thing that remains is the kingdom of God, the spiritual kingdom. Everything else is going to be gone. It's the only thing that stays. So we need to constantly be thankful for God's kingdom. We need to be constantly thankful knowing that we will be part of that kingdom, part of eternity. And as it said there at the end, God's in all consuming fire, everything that's not part of His kingdom, will be consumed and burned up so we can be so grateful that we've accepted the Lord. We know Him as our Savior. We're part of His kingdom, and we will live for eternity.
Dan Wheeler:Oh man, that's a good word. Amen. I'm going to read Colossians 316, and 17 that says, Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. And here's the key verse, 17. And then Whatsoever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him. And I think of us here at Fearless faith. You know, we we often when we get together in person or on the phone or for these podcasts, we talk about how grateful we are that God just laid this ministry on us, and we had no idea what it would look like, but he's led us on all these paths, and it's really amazing what he's doing. And people give to the ministry, and we rarely ask for financial help, but we always have enough, and gratitude makes everything you have enough, that's right, and so thankful for that.
Terry Steen:Yeah, we should be able to go to the Lord and thank him for every action, every deed we partake of. You know, if it's something that we can't thank him for, if it's something we said, something we did, that we can't thank him for, then we need to reevaluate whether that was something that we should have done, or if we should have said because that should be the mindset that everything that comes out of our mouth, everything we do, is worthy of thanking the Lord for.
Dan Wheeler:Well, we all went to the same college, and I'm sure each of us has a few things we did in college that maybe we shouldn't have
Terry Steen:done, that could be but
Dan Wheeler:Brian's got a list. It's like a scroll.
Terry Steen:Yeah, I've got a few things that I really can't go to the Lord to thank him and those actions. Speed, good, speed, yeah, exactly.
Dan Wheeler:Let's go into how can we give advice and some practical things that people can do to be grateful? Terry,
Terry Steen:well, one is to just consciously think through those things and make a list. You could journal. You could begin to journal things on a daily basis. Or you could sit at some point when you have the opportunity to be reflective and just begin listing the things that God's done for you. Yeah.
Dan Wheeler:Amen. You know, I studied. There was a study done on about a group of 300 people, and they were all seeking mental, mental counseling, and they broke them up into three groups. Two of the groups just received counseling, but in one of the groups, not only did they receive counseling, but they had them each write a letter of gratitude to someone five days a week for three weeks and at the end of the entire course, which was a total of 12 weeks later, after they'd written those notes, they found that the people who wrote letters of gratitude had such an improvement, such a massive improvement, in their their health, in their attitude, in their mental capacity. Because when you're gratitude, when you're grateful, you actually think more clearly. You're actually. Be smarter, and they found out they were significantly better. But here's the kicker, it had a snowball effect. As time went on, they were more and more grateful, and there's something about writing a letter. And they also found that it didn't matter if they actually sent the letter or if they just wrote it, writing it helped them express that and to be grateful and to get gratitude in their spirit. Isn't that something Wow,
Terry Steen:that really is. You know, Dale Carnegie made a great suggestion that I was reading on this area of what you can practically do, and he said, make a list of all the good things you can think of, and then just stop and imagine each one being taken away out of your life that you didn't have it anymore. And then just stop and realize how empty that life would be if all those things that you should have been thankful for you weren't and they were gone. And once you sit and reflect on that, how empty that makes life, then he said, you can gradually give yourself permission to give them back to you. And so you think about those again, coming back to you. And he says, just going through that mental process makes you feel better because you consciously thought about what life would be like without him, and it helps you appreciate it more.
Brian Roland:I like that too, because everybody takes so much for granted, you know, and you don't realize what you have and what you should be thankful for. I mean everything around us here. I mean, my gosh, we are so thankful for everything that God has given us and how he's provided it. That's, that's another amazing thing, and we think on that a lot. Deb, and I talk about that a lot too. That's, you gotta be thankful. It's
Dan Wheeler:powerful because, you know, we tend to not think about that on a daily basis. But when you think about losing, I think of people who've been through so much, losing a child, losing a loved one, and I know losing Beth was so difficult at the time, but it was through that time, through our hardest time, sometimes the Holy Spirit speaks to us, and we're going to talk about the Holy Spirit in our next podcast. But you know, guys, as we age, I feel like I tend to appreciate my blessings more as I look back on my life and even in the present, with what we're doing now and looking forward to what God is going to do. So I want to finish strong with tons of gratitude with such a thankful heart. You know that song, give thanks with a grateful heart, yeah, thanks. And we're so grateful for everything God's done through this ministry,
Terry Steen:you know. And we've also, we've also talked three of us how grateful we are for our supporters, for our listeners, for our followers. And I think it'd be appropriate to just say a big thank you for all those that have listened and supported us over all these years. Have contributed in a great way. Many of them have contributed on a monthly basis. Some have done it on a one time basis. Which reminds me, this coming Tuesday, it'll be this one or the next one is giving Tuesday that comes along in social media. And so I think, yeah, I think it's December 3, I believe. So maybe we kind of make that, throw that out there, so people can be aware of it and be thinking about how they could possibly help in in the giving to support us as we come into the new year, that's kind of like one time a year that we proactively do our best to seek some support. And
Dan Wheeler:Brian, you've been a real driving force in fearless Faith Radio, why don't you just take a moment and tell people why we're thankful for that and what it's accomplishing and it's, yeah, it's
Brian Roland:been, it's been a road. It's been a journey for us, but, but it's been so well worth it. And going into it I knew was gonna, is gonna take some elbow grease, because of launching networks, television networks before I knew it was involved with it. But man, the hours were we've all put into this thing has just been amazing, that we got it on as fast as we did, I believe. But the radio station is available to anybody. It's free, it's on the internet. We have an app, and it's fearless Faith Radio. If you go to your phone, computer, iPad, just go to your app store. That's the one has the A and most of them, there's an app store there where you can just put in fearless Faith Radio, pop right up and just download that, and you have us with you, 24 hours a day. It's there free, right? It's free. It's free for everybody. And so far, we're getting people. It's amazing. What is I telling you the other day that Poland I saw in there, Peru, India, all. Australia, the United Arab Emirates. I mean, we're getting people from all over the world that are listening and tuning in. And what's really beautiful about it is because I'll listen to it. I think this is so nice because it's so much of a variety of music from from your contemporary Christian contemporary, to your gospel, to your country gospel to your worship to your what do we do? The acapella. I mean, we have some jazz, some big, big band. It's everything is so neat in there. And then we have little times a week come in there and give a little word of inspiration from, like our morning cups and like a minute inspiration just to, just to help you get through, over to hope that day. And then we also have our, our finished strong podcast, which will air three, three or four times a day at different times, so you can have that available too. If you missed one, you can always catch up on one. And it's just something that we're happy to give back and use what God has helped us create now for the last 910, years. And we have that content that we can provide to you, for people to listen to and it's bringing more and more people to the kingdom. And that's what the main goal is. It's not us, it's us putting a voice out there that God's giving us to put out there, and he's the one that's shepherding and bringing them
Dan Wheeler:in, right? That's right, we have radiant church on Sunday mornings, and I'm working on getting first church here where I am on Sunday mornings, so we're going to have a lot of content, and we are so grateful for that. And by the way, since we're talking about gratitude and thanksgiving, starting on Thanksgiving Day through New Year's until New Year's Well, through New Year's Day, let's say we're gonna have all Christmas music, and we had our voiceover guy do some Christmas themed voiceovers that I think everybody's gonna love. Well, any final thoughts on gratitude as we wrap this edition of finish strong?
Brian Roland:Oh, happy this is over. No, I'm just kidding.
Terry Steen:I'm just grateful. You know, it's it helps us to just take a minute to reflect as well. I'm being grateful as to how much God's done in our personal life, but how much he's done in our ministry and in this podcast. Just a privilege and a pleasure to work with you guys.
Dan Wheeler:Yeah, I agree. Brian, would you close us in prayer?
Brian Roland:I would love to Heavenly Father. We just thank you. We are grateful, and we thank you that for what you've done in our lives and how you send your son to die for us so that we can accept Him into our lives. And we're heir of of God, heir of Jesus, and we're going to live with him, with to eternity. It's one thing to say, I want to go to heaven, but knowing that you're going to be with Jesus, that's what it's all about we were thankful for that. We're thankful Lord that that you give us this gratitude or attitude of gratitude that we can carry with us and that people can see in our lives. You know, I just pray for everybody out there, Lord, that that may be lacking, that that they will seek you for and for helping them so that they can have gratitude in their life that they can be happy for the things that they have now, even if they're down in the dungeons band, they're just in the pits, be happy where you because the Lord's going to see you through it. And Lord, we know that you will do that. And you're going to rise them up to another higher level than and when the next when the next time comes that they may be down, you're going to be there to lift them up even higher and even stronger, and we thank you for that you've given us your promise that you'll never leave us or forsake us, but that you are there for us, and we're so happy that you are there, and we're so thankful, and I just give You all the praise and the honor and the glory Lord in Jesus name, amen.
Unknown:Amen. Well,
Dan Wheeler:thank you guys. Thank you John Matarazzo, our producer, and thanks to you for listening. Give thanks with a grateful heart. Count your blessings and watch every area of your life improve exponentially. God bless and we'll see you for the next edition of finish strong.
John Matarazzo:Thank you for listening to finish strong. For more information about finish strong and fearless faith, check out their website, F faith.org make sure that you rate and review this podcast to help more people accomplish their God given purpose so that together we can finish strong. You.