Finish Strong With Fearless Faith
Finish Strong is designed to help you discover your unique purpose and develop a plan to leave a powerful legacy. Hosts Dan Wheeler, Terry Steen, and Brian Roland will help you live your life with purpose, change someone’s life for the better and leave a lasting impact on those around you. Everyone starts the race... but only the Fearless Finish Strong!
Finish Strong With Fearless Faith
Imagine the God of Heaven with John Burke #125
Can you imagine dying and standing in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ? Most of us can’t even begin to picture what that would be like. After listening to this podcast, you will long for the day when you do!
New York Times best selling author John Burke returns to Finish Strong to discuss his brand- new book entitled Imagine the God of Heaven. He shares fascinating stories of people who were clinically dead and found themselves standing in the presence of God. They all came back to life and shared their thrilling encounters. Many of these people had never read the Bible. Yet they all described the same God written about in the scriptures. Their stories point to a magnificent “Being of Brilliant Light” who was filled with unimaginable love, compassion and joy!
John interviewed people from all walks of life and various faiths such as Hinduism, Islam and even atheism. Yet they all perfectly described the God of the Bible and many said they knew He was Jesus! During their encounters they experienced more love, more peace and more joy than they could ever imagine.
Don’t miss a minute of this podcast because you will hear about a very real God who offers you the joy, peace and love that you’ve always wanted!
Fearless Faith Website
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