Finish Strong With Fearless Faith
Finish Strong is designed to help you discover your unique purpose and develop a plan to leave a powerful legacy. Hosts Dan Wheeler, Terry Steen, and Brian Roland will help you live your life with purpose, change someone’s life for the better and leave a lasting impact on those around you. Everyone starts the race... but only the Fearless Finish Strong!
Finish Strong With Fearless Faith
Celebrating 100 Episodes #100
Brian, Terry and Dan celebrate One Hundred episodes of Finish Strong! This edition is filled with fun and excitement as they look back on their favorite episodes and look forward to the future. PLUS, you’ll hear from John, our producer, and Deb Roland and Karen Steen. And for those of you that have been waiting to meet her, we will introduce Dan’s wife, Pam Wheeler as she makes her very first appearance on the podcast!
Along with the fun, you’ll hear meaningful stories from our Three Amigos as they recall the moments that made the biggest impact on their lives. We hope this episode will inspire you to run your race with “fearless faith” so that you can Finish Strong and one day hear the voice of the Lord saying, “Well done thou good and faithful servant!”
Here’s to the next 100!!!
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Welcome to finish strong. And not just any episode, this is episode number 100. And I'm Dan Wheeler joined by Ontarian Brian and we're What's your name? Danny? No. Okay, that's enough no standing. So we all have our wives. And I guess I'll start because my wife's the newest of the three wives as far as
Deb Roland:feeler.
Dan Wheeler:And you know, guys, we did a video and we got a few emails from that didn't weigh it. Yeah, I spent hours adding emails to our database. I'm talking 24 hours. By the way, Whose idea was this, Terry? I always shoot myself in the foot.
Brian Roland:The carpal tunnel, so if
Dan Wheeler:you haven't surgery next week. You know, Pam and I got married a couple of weeks ago. We've made it two and a half weeks at this point, going strong. Jeff married down a little pergola overlooking Lake Michigan. It was cold. I actually sang to her. And halfway through the song, I looked at her and got emotional and forgot where I wasn't the song. But I just jumped playing chords, so, Tampax, yeah. How has it been so far? Being part of this fearless fates T.
Pam Wheeler:Oh, well, I love them all. And I love to watch the podcast.
Dan Wheeler:Okay. I hope you love one of us a little more than we all Yes.
Pam Wheeler:I know one of you. Quite well.
Dan Wheeler:Yes. Yes. So finish strong. Guys. One other episodes, were tweets introduce your spouse's
Brian Roland:fine. Dog gophers. No, Deb. This is my wife, Debbie. She is hitting me up for a couple times and Christmas time, of course. And it's always good to have her here because she exudes wisdom. And I'm finding that out more and more that you do have to listen to what she says or what your wife says. Because they, you know, they're the voice of reason. No doubt about it.
Dan Wheeler:Jerry and I noticed your wisdom meter went way higher after you've married her
Brian Roland:dream? Yeah, yeah, that was more here
Dan Wheeler:is you didn't even recognize the brand. This is my wife, Karen had a car, she's been out a few times as well. And she is definitely my better half. And she has done if if any of you have followed the Instagram page and posts that come over into Facebook. Those are all Karen. And she spends a lot of time and effort into that. Tell us a little about the Instagram side of things.
Karen Steen:What to say? I get my inspiration from the Bible. But I also try to reflect the humor that these guys bring to this ministry. So I do both both sides of it. But I've enjoyed doing it. And it's been a blessing to me.
Dan Wheeler:She does a great job. And I do like the funny ones. Don't you guys say it funny. And glad she didn't say our attempted humor because,
Pam Wheeler:boy, yeah.
Deb Roland:Sometimes I look at those I see them. And I don't know, it's really sweet. I look at it. And I go, Oh, who did this? And it's like, oh, it's Karen. Really great. Yeah, I've
Brian Roland:got another career.
Dan Wheeler:They're really powerful. They had a lot of, you know, diversity to our page. And it kind of breaks it up a bit. You know, those posts, they're, they're quick, they're easy to read. But you always have a powerful image with a great saying and that doesn't just happen. It takes a lot of work. And so we really appreciate it so much Karen and Deb was a star guest on our Jesus revolution movie. That's right. He was through lived through it was actually saved right. Next Miss ministry. Yeah. Yeah. And Pam has been running camera for me. I've been trying to get out and you know, different settings and everything. So you're doing a good job. Which do you prefer? In front of the camera or behind it?
Pam Wheeler:You know the answer to that?
Dan Wheeler:She has movie star Good looks!
Deb Roland:she does! She is beautiful. Yeah,
Dan Wheeler:I can't believe it's been 100 episodes. We're in our, I think two and a half years. It's taken us to get here hasn't it? Well, as you know, I was checking some of our stats today online finished strong assert and 178 countries Oh There's 132,000 downloads between Buzzsprout and YouTube. And that's not even counting other avenues. And this is our 100th episode. And by the way, if you're not on YouTube, go to our YouTube channel, Brian, they can just subscribe for free there, right?
Brian Roland:Just subscribe for free, or what you could do to just go to F faith.org. And that's our website and you can actually get on to the to the podcast from there. But once you're there, just bookmark it on your computer, it will always be there, just put it in your favorites. So you can just go to it automatically. It's also the subscription if you get the subscription that way comes right to you as well.
Dan Wheeler:And on YouTube. It's fearless faith or fearless Faith Ministries, free to subscribe, and you'll get everything. But you know, it's I don't know about you guys. But Pam listens to our podcasts, our morning cups of inspiration and gives me really good feedback. I mean, she's honest. Do you guys get the feedback too? Well, yeah, well, she's honest. All right.
Brian Roland:Well, must be working because the viewership is going up Terry.
Dan Wheeler:Jerry has had this sudden one that he just did recently with the kid. Yeah, hey, we got to grab the last five that was so funny. Eat these big mouth holds a cake, no doubt about why he's working out the gym, but not losing any weight. Was fun to do it. You know, I was doing some statistic looking around as well. And it's amazing that the average podcast like 50% of all podcasts only get 25 to 30 views a month. real with you. When you look at the statistics that we're pulling in, we should be very proud and only 17% use video and we've been using video for a while. So God's really been along with John's help. And we need to bring your producer John in to say I but he's helped make us what we are. Yeah, John, why don't you come in and make an appearance. He's back stay there he is. John, we couldn't do without you. You've given us so much expertise and guidance. But you listen to a lot of podcasts. What do you think makes finished strong unique?
John Matarazzo:Well, I love the dynamic that the three of you guys have, and you play off of each other very well. And the history that you guys have with each other, and that you're rooted in your faith in Jesus. But you've got great stories, and that just the I found myself just feeling like I want to be your friend and I get to be the I get to be the benefit of the fact that they the fact that I actually am your friend now. But I like man, I want to have friends like Dan, to Brian and Terry, in my real life. And so your friendship is one of the things that has encouraged me the most. And just seeing how you are encouraging each other, to walk with the Lord and encouraging each other in life and different seasons that you've been through even the past couple, you know, two and a half, three years that we've been doing this together. I've seen you guys grow as as presenters on on the podcast and now on video. And there's just been so many benefits from this and I've just enjoyed being a part of it for sure.
Dan Wheeler:Well, you do have us as friends for life and we enjoy having a younger man's perspective. Things and will often bring John in if you've listened to finish strong. You know, we'd love to bring him in and say hey, you're you're younger you What are you 37? John 3838 30 We'll say what's your perspective? Because Brian Terry and I are all 4040 Plus. Unfortunately early 70s John is a star. We're the National Religious Broadcasters. Everybody there people stopping him. And we're like, we've got this guy producing for us. So
John Matarazzo:I felt like I was a kid in a candy shop there because that was the first time I had the opportunity to go to the NRB in person and man, all the people that I've worked with from my TV career in the past and working with charisma now and just the people that I've been able to podcast with it was really cool to be able to see so many people in person to get to introduce you guys to some of my favorite guests from my podcast to
Dan Wheeler:it. It was great. Yeah, well, before we let the ladies go guys, I'm thinking we should just hear from them. Maybe just a couple of sentences about what what you think of finished strong in this podcast and what you like about it? If there is anything should we keep going Yes,
Deb Roland:you should definitely keep going.
Pam Wheeler:Yeah, I'm just so proud of all three of you. I mean, and in, John, thank you for everything that you do. I mean, you guys are really, so spot on in in this time where people really need to hear from wise men such as yourself. So I just think what you're doing is terrific. And I'm grateful to the Lord for putting it all together.
Dan Wheeler:Thank you, Deb.
Karen Steen:It's really well, yes, I'm excited about it as well, I think that the podcast gives an opportunity to go deeper with your audience. And some of the stories that have been brought up and told, are such a blessing, and build somebody's faith in particular areas. And in our culture today, this is a positive spin on what they're hearing all the time, on Facebook, or on these podcasts that really strengthens their faith. So I'm excited about it as well. You know, and I'd love I'd love to watch the the men and they're just men of God, and you can see it in the podcasts and, and I love their interaction, like John said, I just think it's so fun to watch them and all the bantering back and forth, and they love each other. And you can see that too.
Dan Wheeler:You know, we really do. And I think that's a we never dreamed 50 years ago, when we all met in college that we'd one day be able to work together and do ministry together. It's the greatest gift and ladies, we couldn't do it without you. You are the wind beneath our wings or why is right. And here's to another 100 Thanks for being with us. Yeah. All right. And so just
Deb Roland:Terry kiss Karen quick.
Dan Wheeler:Don't be left out. We got some gray wives stowaway. Short, Ruth. Yeah,
Brian Roland:you're doing couldn't do without them. No doubt about it. Yeah, we
Dan Wheeler:appreciate all the support they give. That's a
Brian Roland:weapon. You know, it's for we talked about earlier, this takes a lot more time than we ever thought it was going to. Yeah. And to be able to have that freedom to do that. And know that we have that time that you're down. And they know that and they're saying you do what you need to do. You're doing the Lord's work. Do what you need to do. Yeah, yeah. It makes all the difference to have somebody by your side like that.
Dan Wheeler:Boy really does. Can you guys hear me? Yes. Oh, okay. More than we want to? Yeah. Excellent. Thank you. I appreciate the respect there.
Brian Roland:Okay, well, we're at we're recording.
Dan Wheeler:So I was I was trying to look at how many podcasts stayed with it long enough to do over 100 episodes, but I couldn't find it. But I think it's quite the milestone, don't you? Yeah, I do. You know, I read the average podcast makes it three episodes.
John Matarazzo:Yeah, Dan, you're right about that average podcast makes it about three episodes, and they realize how much it goes into. How much goes into the podcast? Yeah. And yeah, I mean, just it's, there's a lot of podcasts that start, but not many finished strong.
Dan Wheeler:Yeah. Oh, great tie in. You have a podcast called along the way, how many episodes are you up to?
John Matarazzo:Oh, goodness. I am like 150, or something around that right now. Since working at charisma and being in charge of a podcast network, and I do a lot of stuff for charisma. I haven't been able to do as many with my own podcast recently. But I still available to put stuff out periodically. But it's been it's been something that has opened up so many more doors in my life than I could have ever imagined.
Dan Wheeler:Well, it's interesting, you know, you the topics that you can address. In fact, in this show, we've gone from we've had everything from anger to praise, pain to peace, angels to the New Age Movement, psychics to socialism, Heaven to live storms, conquering anger to priorities, and on and on. We've had 16 guests now. And, and I thought maybe we could each kind of talk about a few of the podcasts that were especially meaningful to us. Brian, would you want to go first on that? Sure. I got a
Brian Roland:list of them actually. But the one that I recall being amazed by was Stephanie
Pam Wheeler:Benjamin bash, rubbish, and the
Brian Roland:race from the dead. And I that amazed me because there were witnesses that saw her and saw her gone dark. because that saw her dead, pronounced that a sheet over her, you know, and to see that, how she returned to life and how God restored her life for for a reason. And she's on that mission. But that that was quite a story. And you see a lot of movies like that, but to see something that was real, and that took place and said again had witnesses to it. It just it just made it all that much more. Not just believable, but but memorable. And I think that touched a lot of lives.
Dan Wheeler:Boy, it did, and you know, she even she remembers like hearing Satan that Jesus arguing over who was gonna take her. And the Jesus said, No, she's mine. She's come on with me. That was amazing. I don't know. Does anybody know what number episode that was? Number? 11. Number 11. Okay, so, back.
Brian Roland:We met her at NRB a couple of years ago back in Nashville, I think was dangling Right, right there.
Dan Wheeler:It was. Yeah. So that episode 11, powerful one, or 11 or Number 60. I got number 1160 was a rerun of Terry. Okay. One that I really I listened to today. And guys, I really loved it. It was our thoughts on heaven. It was like you're listening to friends just talking about heaven and what we're looking forward to. And it really spoke to me, I got emotional again, because we all had a lot of emotion. You know, that's why we're doing this podcast. We want to finish strong so that we're in heaven, and we can see as many other people with us in heaven can win souls for the Lord. And a verse that we brought out well was Genesis one one that in the beginning, God created the heavens, right? Yes, heavens were the first thing he created. And when I was listening to his like, oh, yeah, I forgot them. So he always was thinking he was going to prepare a place for us. And then we ended with Revelation 21, for He will wipe every tear from their eyes. Yeah, there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain for the old order of things has passed away. And guys in these times, I was listening to the news last night. I hadn't listened to it for a couple of weeks. And I just was getting so upset. But then I thought, You know what? God's still in control. True. He's calling the shots. And he's got, we're gonna be out of this one day. And I won't even be a memory. Yeah, but we got that's why we're doing this podcast to get people to have fun and keep our focus on how do you know, Danny talk about no more pain, how beautiful that will be. But the reality is, there's pain here. And one of the ones I remembered was the 10th. One we did on why is there so much pain in life. And we've talked about why and what our attitudes should be. Excuse me, and the importance of counted all joy, and how we approach it. And we we said we you finish strong through the pain and the adversity by staying faithful by knowing there's a divine purpose in your life and what you're going through, and that it may be a gift from God. And finally, that God's grace is sufficient. So we left those pieces there to help people going through pain as to how to deal with it. I thought that was a powerful one. Yeah. Yeah. John, do you remember anything that has stood out to you in particular, or,
John Matarazzo:well, I've just I've listened to all of them
Dan Wheeler:at least twice, more than we have.
John Matarazzo:I'm just going through them right now on on my other screen here. But, you know, one of the ones that comes to mind is whenever we did, we've done a live one with, you know, people get doing in comments, and I'd like to do more of those because those were sort of fun, but just to see people interacting, that was really cool. But I've really enjoyed some of the interviews and I I thought the one with with Deb talking about the Jesus revolution was really cool, because that movie really touched my life. And to hear her stories of somebody that was actually there. And I was like, wow, this is really cool. Like, but there's been so many times where I think I probably remember stories from you guys a little bit better than episodes. There's just some of those things where you know, just you guys Dan, you getting tempted to chase after his wife in college things like that. I'm like, wow, there's these guys really go back a long way and the way that you guys tell those stories, those those stick out quite a bit. So,
Dan Wheeler:thanks. I'm gonna tease that in a future podcast. We're going to tell the story where Tara we froze Terry, and it involved a lot of shaving cream. Bye he put in his pants, and he had to go to class. So I'll just leave it at that. I'm pretty sure though.
John Matarazzo:Terry, you're such a good sport. That's one thing. I gotta say, you're such a good sport for it for what you went through and still being good friends.
Dan Wheeler:There you go. Good, John. You know, I think about some of the guests and some of it became a family affair for me because I had my daughter Ashley on and she talked about the seasons and life. It even as a younger lady in her 30s, you know, and us in our 60s and 70s, there are seasons in life that all have meaning and purpose. And she talked about that. And then my brother in law, John Ho. The Walking Bible is he's been on a couple of times talking about the pre trip and end times and the Book of Revelations and really brought to light, some of the things that people are fearful of and wondering about. And then even my nephew, Derek, who was on sharing his journey back from drugs and that practical son's story. So it was really neat for me to be able to have some of my family members on that's had powerful stories to share. Yeah, and you know, John is an inspiration. How old is he now? He just hit 70 or 71. Right, right. Yeah. Thanks, boys is really sharp. And I'm thinking man, I gotta up my game and the way he knows scripture is an inspiration power.
Brian Roland:I gotta tell you, Terry, I had those two shows, or podcasts with John number 47. I think it was and 28 I had their written down also. And also had the with the answer our thoughts on heaven. It's funny. We're doing a lot of the same ones. I also had, god are you there? I'm lonely. That was a really good one. And people responded to
Dan Wheeler:that, that really connected with people. Yeah, that and
Brian Roland:can America survive. But another one was a wait lane, Derby,
Dan Wheeler:dairy dairy.
Brian Roland:See what he's doing and what God has him in the position he has him in. And the success he's had with it, knowing that he's in the right place with this success he's having. But to be able to be a part of that and have our followers contribute to those Bibles to in built in that language for the Africans. And I always say Kenya, but it's Nairobi ism. I can't remember what language we had to translate it to, but the have be able to be a part of that much. And then I know they sent pictures, net of a two, which was really nice to see that the response.
Dan Wheeler:Yeah, one that stood out to me was stuck out to me was Don't panic. Yes, he had one of our biggest responses ever, I think 37,000 downloads, and I was listening back to it. And we're talking about what's going on in the world. And just we reminded everyone to just in the midst of all the insanity to trust the Lord, to know that he's in control. And a verse that we reference was Daniel 221. And I want to read it, it says he, referring to God changes times and seasons, he sets up kings, and disposes them. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning he reveals deep and hidden things. He knows what light, what lies in darkness, and light dwells with him. And boy, we ended the podcast with that, guys, I gotta tell you that was so uplifting to hear again, and say, Yeah, God's still in control. Not surprised by any of this insanity and the craziness. And then finally, I just want to add, one of my all time favorites, was the though one of the ones we just did recently with John schlitt. You know, if you haven't heard that episode, What number is that? 96 I think I wrote down here so yeah, 96 but to see that guy have so much success, the rock world with head east, and then he just got into drugs, got into cocaine so much, then kicked him out of the band. And then he tried to come back and then he actually became suicidal and the day he's planning his suicide while he watches his kids play. His wife says, Hey, you're gone to my pastor, you promised these like When did I do that? She was last night. He's like I was I. I didn't know I was saying but she held him to it. And to hear him say he met a lot more than the pastor he met God the Father, God the Son God the Holy Spirit, life transform. Never thought he'd sing again really was working in an engineering firm and seven years later Patrick calls the rest is history the greatest ROG voice and Christian music and a 20 year career with veteran that that was so amazing, the gods always up to something and never give up. God and never give up on God given dreams secrets don't make them happen. Yeah, ya
Brian Roland:know, God has a plan. It is a plan for all of us. He has a plan for the world the way it's going, we can look at it and say, Man, this is just you know, it's it's terrible was going on. But it's all in his plan, and it's moving in the direction he wants it to move. So we just have to take refuge in that and say, Okay, God, I'm just gonna, I'm gonna wrap myself in your arms in the comfort of knowing that you are in control. And I'm not going to worry about this is because I know it's not going to affect me personally, in a way that's going to be adverse to my relationship with you. Right.
Dan Wheeler:And I'm excited about the future. You know, John Matarazzo, you turned us on to Benny de Shara. Yeah, his PR person, bonita team. She's great. And man, I loved getting to know that guy. And you know, here he had a traumatic brain injury. You got to hear his story. And he's singing and he is on fire for the Lord. He's, you know, beyond the music. He's all about winning souls and finishing strong, which is our theme. And then you talk about a guy that sent his strong we've got dark Dr. David Clark, who has maybe done work with more ministries and in broadcasting in the collegiate level, and churches than I've ever heard of. He was amazing. Still going in his 80s
Brian Roland:Yeah, right. Right. Right. Stroke
Dan Wheeler:is an inspiration. Another thing Dan, that we have done is done some real practical, live today kind of stuff. We've done some on the power of your words, how impacting our words can be. And in our day to day walk and our interaction with people. We've talked about servanthood, and living a humble life and overcoming pride. We did that one that we take great pride in our humility, our seven, One Belt One, that was a great one. And then another one we've done two or three on is the battle of the mind that is such a such an issue and is so hard. And I remember the h1, one of the first ones out of the chute winning the battle of our mind. And we talked about how we have a choice, we have to choose wisely. And then let prayer over our that entire process of controlling our mind and living the daily life as Christ wants us to. Well, you know, the Bible says that we have to keep working till he comes because nobody knows. The day not even the Son the Father alone knows. But boy, guys with what we're seeing, and John Matarazzo, you're you're a younger guy. But you know, we as older men, we never thought we knew the final days would come someday. We just didn't think it come this fast in our lifetimes. But do you as a young man feel like we could be in the final days?
John Matarazzo:Yeah, we're definitely closer than ever before. And that's something that used to make me make me more afraid. Just because I'm like that I haven't had all these things in my life yet. I've wanted just to get married back in December. So you know, that's one of the big things in my life that I've had a goal of getting married before Jesus comes back. You know, I look at the world today. And I just think we need to reach as many people as possible, because God, I mean, God sent His Son Jesus to die on the cross for all of humanity. And we just happen to be included in that died for us individually. But he wants all of humanity to know Him. And our time is running short. And if anything, I just feel more urgency to do more podcasting to do more videos to do more things that are going to reach people for eternity. And so yeah, it's a little scary. But it just says, okay, the time is now you got to do what I'm calling you to do.
Dan Wheeler:Absolutely. Johnny, Johnny talk about scary. And if you'll remember, the top two podcasts we did, were on chan America, can America survive in panic? Right. And between those two, we had almost 80,000 downloads in those two podcasts. So that is so revelant isn't?
Brian Roland:So people's minds. Yes, yeah.
Dan Wheeler:Well, we're gonna continue to tackle all these topics. And we're not afraid. We're not backing down. We're going to talk about what the Word of God says. And we're going to speak boldly because we believe that's what the Lord wants us to do. Franklin Graham, we were just at NRB. And he said, he felt like every demon from hell had been turned loose on our society, but he said, Don't back down. Don't stop preaching the world word and don't stop speaking the truth. Right? So we're going to keep doing that until the Lord tells us to do something different or brings us all true. We just appreciate everyone's support. And we really asked you to share our podcast tell others about it. We feel like there's so many people that need to hear what we, we have to say and what the Lord's leaned on our hearts. And we just want to expand that. And we can do that through you. Yes. Guys, you know, we've got a community of fearless faith and finish strong now. And we need the community that really just step up. Because when they're promoting these things to other people, they're sharing the gospel. Right? Yes, so true. So true. And as we've discussed, we're looking at other platforms that we can get this message and our vision out to more and more people. But we know that in doing that, it's going to continue to cost more. But if so that's something that it would be great for our listeners to pray about, and see if they would find it in their heart to begin or continue to contribute. So we can expand and move forward with this message that we're so intense on, and that the world so needs, right?
Brian Roland:It takes it takes work takes a lot of work. We're finding out but we're willing to do that part of it to do the job. And we just look forward to people's health because it's part of your ministry as well, then you're part of this. So you're joining together and being a part of a ministry. Yeah.
Dan Wheeler:So let's just say a quick word of prayer. Lord, we thank you for 100 episodes. Yes, I pray that you will bring us the right guests the right topics, Lord me, these podcasts be your podcast, not ours. We are just thrilled to be involved and we are Your servants. And we want to keep doing what you've called us to do. And we give You all the praise for it. Thank you, Lord, in thy name. Amen. To the next one hundred guys all right! Yes. started knocking them out. Yeah, ever, whatever onward ever upward. Want to do with anybody else, guys. I wouldn't either. What a T we've got here, us and our wives couldn't be any better. So like, Thank you for being a part of it. God bless you. And please continue to listen and watch. Finish strong. And remember, that's not just the name of this podcast. That is our life motto. We want to finish strong for the Lord Jesus Christ until he comes again. God bless everybody. See you next time.
John Matarazzo:Thank you for listening to finish strong. For more information about finish strong and fearless faith. Check out their website eth faith.org. Make sure that you rate and review this podcast to help more people accomplish their God given purpose so that together we can finish strong