Finish Strong With Fearless Faith

The Unfair Advantage with Aaron Burke - Part II #105

September 24, 2023 Fearless Faith / Arron Burke Season 3 Episode 105

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In this episode of Finish Strong, we continue with Pastor Aaron Burke featuring his book The Unfair Advantage.  He helps us reflect on some of the valuable lessons Joseph learned during his thirteen years in prison.

God can use your most mundane moments, as well as your darkest days, when you are faithful to Him.  While Joseph was waiting in prison, he was also learning everything he needed to learn for his future success. The big lesson here is if you want God to do something big, start by letting Him do something deep.

Finally, Aaron explains how your personality plus your passion plus your pain equal God’s plan.  You might impress people with your strengths, but you impact them with your struggles.  This podcast is filled with great life lessons that you won’t want to miss!

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Dan Wheeler:

Welcome to finish strong. If you were with us recently we had on pastor Aaron Burke, who wrote a book called the unfair advantage. I'm gonna hold it up right here. It's a good one seven keys from the life of Joseph, that will transform your life. And we've really, we really enjoyed having Aaron on and we only got through half the book. So we're having a month. again tonight, I'm Dan Wheeler joined by Terry Steen and Brian Roland. And guys, Aaron is an impressive young man. He's got a lot of energy, which uso ld guys need. It helps our podcast.

Terry Steen:

Yeah, that's right. He's actually like within months of the age of my daughter, so it's like, it could be my son, but He is my pastor, and he does a great job. I've had the privilege of being a trustee on his board for a while and the church is just doing so great thing. So be excited to have him back

Dan Wheeler:

is even 40 yet.

Terry Steen:

Yes, yeah.

Dan Wheeler:

Brian, remember,

Terry Steen:

he might be? I don't know. He's close. He can tell you

Dan Wheeler:

remember when we turned 40? Brian, we thought were so old and so wise.

Brian Roland:

I thought it was all over.

Dan Wheeler:

Well, I think Aaron has definitely matured a little bit quicker than us. But in the first episode, guys, he talked about Joseph as the discouraged dreamer and how he had a dream. And then his brothers hated them and all the things they did to him to try to destroy him, put him in a pit. And then he has a chapter called The redirected reject how a lot of times when we feel we're being rejected by the world, it's really God rejecting the situation. And they talked about the weightless worker terror. You talked about that, which, you know, Joseph was working really as a slave for a while was

Terry Steen:

as a slave. So if you don't have the motivation to get paid, what's your motivation? And so it has to come back to God doesn't it? So that was that was a great piece. The final chapter was so important, the seduced St. How, Brian how Joseph rejected PATA, furs, wife's advances.

Dan Wheeler:

And you know, he says, sin is easy to get into. Integrity is hard to keep. But boy, you know, in a moment of weakness, everything can fall apart that we've worked for all our lives.

Brian Roland:

But in Joseph's case, he didn't, knowing that the consequences, what could possibly happen, and it did throw him in the prison who was there for a number of years, and forgotten pretty much left there. But God didn't forget him.

Dan Wheeler:

He's your pastor. Do you want to bring him back in with another introduction?

Terry Steen:

Yeah, and I definitely would recommend that people go back and listen to our last podcast as well to catch this whole thing. Yeah. And

Dan Wheeler:

by the way people can get his book, I'm assuming wherever books are sold. But Amazon is a great place. It's where I got my copy. Yes, yes, unfair advantage.

Terry Steen:

Yes, this is my pastor. Let's bring him back back for this second episode. Pastor Aaron, great to have you with us. I

Aaron Burke:

am honored to be with you men. And no, I'm not in my 40s. Yeah. Thriving 30s for about four more months.

Terry Steen:

Remember what it was? I knew it wasn't but

Dan Wheeler:

you already have the wisdom of a 40 year old at

Aaron Burke:

least have that but I turned 40 this December. So pray for your pray for me.

Terry Steen:

Yeah. Well, it's been so great to have you and what an incredible first book I know, it was a challenge and a lot of work and with everything you're doing, leading the huge church that you do, all the other things that you do to sneak a book in there to God's really been blessed in your life. And it's a privilege to have you here to be a part of it. So we want to just continue to pick up from where we left off and talk a little more about the book

Aaron Burke:

honored to be with you guys and honored to just be along with you guys to helping encouraging people to finish strong. Amen.

Brian Roland:

Well, we covered several chapters already, which was nice. The first four but the fifth one, which I think is great as the old pressed optimist, and we left off really with with Joseph trying. Yeah, I'm sorry,

Dan Wheeler:

what I say optimist, good.

Brian Roland:

Okay. But when we left off where he was part of his wife was trying to seduce somebody was thrown in prison. And while he was there, though, the warden picked up on him. You know, here's this guy who's running the prison for the warden. He became a good guy down there he was he became a leadership role. And I noticed in one of the notes here about gathering a multitude of 1000s was listed that forget the making legitimate disciples now that's Jesus we're talking about and I see how that ties in with Joseph there in the prison and the warden.

Aaron Burke:

Yeah, so the story is so amazing because God puts him in a prison for about 10 years. Well, yours, you got to think about this. It's like, Why in the world? Would God put him there for 10 years? Yeah. And I started doing some research on this of like, what was the purpose of the prison. And we all go through seasons like this, of going through dark seasons, difficult seasons, seasons, we feel hidden, feel like they're a waste. But there's always purpose to it. If you are a follower of Christ, there's always a purpose to whatever even dark season you're going through. So then I started researching the prisons, and I explained it there in the book, I don't want to give them all away. But part of the reasons that that the Egyptians were so advanced is that they had an advanced prison system, and they educated their prisoners, I found all this research about how Egyptians really worked on reprogramming their, their prisoners to be great Egyptians. And then I thought how crazy that our God is that He takes a man puts a dream in his heart, that he's going to be the ruler over Egypt. But this guy doesn't know the language, he doesn't know the culture, he doesn't know the customs. So God says, here's how I'm gonna do, I'm gonna put them in an education system for 10 years that he has to be part of this, by the way, he's not even going to want to sign up for it. So I'm gonna throw him in there. What I say in that chapter is important is you can be in the prison and miss the lesson. And I want people to get that is you can be in there. So I talked about the oppressed opportunities is what are you doing the seasons where you feel like it's oppressive? And I'm not, I'm not getting the promotions I want I'm not getting the influence I want and not getting the attention I want. What am I doing? And I would say there's probably a lesson God's trying to teach you right there in the prison that you're going to need in the next season. But you got to figure out what it is. And you got to lean into what God has for you in this season.

Brian Roland:

Right? Well, that's that's interesting. Because next point is you never know how the tide in the dark will strengthen you. And that's exactly what happened with Joseph he was strengthened without even realize he was being strengthened as

Aaron Burke:

it is during dark seasons that God develops tools in us that we're going to need in the future. Wow. And I looked through the dark seasons of my life where you know, the see the seasons before I got married the seasons that even in our marriage before we had children, their seasons before break break through the seasons before I mean, people look at my life now. And we're we have a great church in Tampa and God's blessed our family. But I remember that season even right before it the years of just learning and being behind the scenes were God was developing in us, y'all. Y'all might not remember me, y'all. Y'all remember not? My, some of my generation won't remember that before used to have these things called cameras, where you would take a picture on your local CVS or Walgreens. And you have to take the film out. But if you didn't take the film out, right, what would happen. And what was so amazing is they had these things called the dark rooms, the dark rooms, and they would take out the film, and they would develop the beautiful pictures. And I want your listeners to know this, that beautiful pictures are still developed and the dark rooms of life. That's a dark season of life. I want you to know, there's something beautiful God's developing in you,

Dan Wheeler:

you know, and that's what happened with our ministry, fearless Faith Ministries, which is behind this podcast was formed at after my wife's funeral. I went through a three year cancer journey with her and these two guys were there with me and stayed after everybody left. And at the end of the week, I took them out to lunch and said, Guys, I'm feeling like God's calling me into ministry. I don't know what it's gonna look like. And they both said, we do too. And can we help? And it's like, yeah, I don't know what it's gonna look like. And it doesn't look anything like we thought it would have been a social media and podcasting, and I thought it was going to be going to churches and preaching and that still may happen. But so true. I mean, Dan, what

Aaron Burke:

a beautiful story of taking a tragedy and using it for God's glory. And I think of all the people that have gone through what you went through, but instead they walk away going, well, I guess my best days are behind me. I guess. I guess it's just going to be downhill from here. And you said, I'm gonna take this pain, and I'm gonna put purpose to it. Right. And I love that and I think about that with Joseph's life is that he could have got out of that thing. He thrived and part of his house again. Yeah, and he could have gotten there and gotten that prison. Shut down, frustrated, angry at God and gone. I guess that's it for me here. But in the dark season, he let God do a work. That's exactly what you did. And I would challenge people today. If you're in a dark season, there's a work God wants to

Dan Wheeler:

do demon

Aaron Burke:

in you. And through you. He's connecting you with people. And I love that you were like, in this dark time, there were people around that stayed with me. Right. I think of the cup bear in that prison. You know, when you're in that prison, God brings around a cup bear once in a while. In there with you. Yeah, that's, that's a beauty of the church. Yeah, it's the beauty of the Body of Christ. That we we have each other.

Dan Wheeler:

Yeah, he brought me to Greg cup bears, by the way. Guys, can I have a cup of coffee? I'm sorry. So I interrupted where we were, Brian?

Brian Roland:

Actually, no, I think that that's let's move on. Yeah, this is too good. Well, the

Terry Steen:

beauty is that Joseph, you know, so many people wouldn't have reacted the way he did what he was in there. But yet he was doing the right thing. And there's many Christians that they're in their dark season, but they can recognize it, they can do the right thing, and see no results. And that's what's your next chapter on the Forgotten faithful talks about is how there's waiting seasons. And if you'll remember, Pastor, it was your sermon. I hope you remember. Waiting seasons are not wasted seasons. I mean, Joseph, was there 10 years? 13 years total? Yeah. And who would have thought that they would have taken the directions you had shared with us? Why am I waiting? You listed three or four points that talk about that. address that a little bit? And let's talk about the Forgotten faithful. Yeah,

Aaron Burke:

you know, it was such a crazy part of the story, because I looked at it thinking, he finds the cup bearer, and then the cup bearer, he interprets the dream for him, the cup bearer gets saved, gets back, you know, gets out of prison, back up to Pharaoh. And the only request Joseph makes is, remember me? Help a brother out. And then it's, I believe, it's chapter 41, the very first verse, and it says, two full years past. Yeah, before they he remembered them. And I'm like, Haven't we all had those moments? We feel forgotten, forgotten, but people forgotten by God. Like, where are you at? When you put a dream in me? What is it going to happen? And so I think there's reasons why God lets that happen to us. And I put some of them in the book, people will check out the book, you can do that. You can always check out the message. I've preached a radiant. In the month of August, I preached a message on waiting with a lot of info that's not even a book, but it's just, there's, there's certain things. First of all, God has us waiting, because many times the situation he wants you to walk into, it's not ready yet. So it's like, you know, it's like, it's, I think of the dream that God gave you know, you You three guys, like, imagine that God wanted you to do that. And he gives you that dream, but he gave it to you and 1999 on Facebook didn't even exist, right? I mean, it's like, right, this scenario wasn't even set up for what God was going to do through you. Right. And there's people right now that are waiting, and they think it's gonna look some way but God, you don't even know the world is gonna walk into in 3457 years from now. That's right, you okay with the process? The second thing, and I'll just kind of end with this one is, most of the reason God has us waiting is because he's trying to do a work and us to trust him during that process. It's, it's, why are the children of Israel in the wilderness there in the wilderness to learn to trust and be in full obedience? They experienced this with God? And then And then what do they do? They every day, they start following God, they trust him, and then their head towards the promised land, they stopped trusting them. They do their own thing. They had a way. It's always a path of what am I going to trust God, even if it doesn't make sense? Yeah.

Terry Steen:

And you never know what God's trying to do. Like you say during that time, and Joseph, maybe he needed two more years of training? Absolutely. He knew maybe he needed to be able to forgive the cup bearer. Yep. Because of what happened. And you just don't know sometimes how God wants to use your life.

Aaron Burke:

I will say it this way, trusting God means trusting God's timing. So if you feel like a god, I give you complete control. That also means you have to give control complete control of the timeline to him. So you can't have it on your timeline. And by the way, everything that God wants to do in your life is going to take longer than you want it to take. But it's going to be better than you can imagine.

Terry Steen:

Oh, I like that. Yeah. My last thought on that is that you had said if you want God to do something big, let him do something deep. And so often we want to run ahead, we have a picture of what we think it should look like. And maybe we think we deserve it. And if it doesn't have the depth, if it doesn't have what it takes to sustain, then it's going to falter and fall. And we don't see those pieces.

Aaron Burke:

Yep. And you know, it's during the seasons that we're really in the valley. The difficult season is when God is developing the depth and the character inside of us. It's one thing to know the God no God on the mountaintops. There's another thing to know, um, during the pain. And during the valleys. You know, even Paul says, he says, I desired that I might know Christ, and participate in his sufferings. It's like, during those times where you're suffering, just wondering if that's what God's doing deep work in you, so that you can be all that he's called you to be. And we need you all to be deep wells, of what God wants to do. We don't want any more shallow, flaky, Rhino people. We need deep wells, and part of that is going to be, you're gonna be able to tell people that you know what, let me tell you how I went through what I went through. I imagined shows of story can just, like, picture this picture. He gets a dream from God, his family celebrates him. Pharaoh promotes them. And you know, who would learn from that story? No one. You know what we're gonna be talking about nothing about Joseph. Because that's not real life. Real life is God believes in him. Nobody else sees it. People reject him. He gets under overworked, underpaid, he's rejected. He's fought wrongfully accused, he's seduced and it's flesh. He lives for years forgotten. But God promotes them in due time. That's a story that's worth following. And that's the life also you have a story to tell. It's just going to take a little bit longer than you want it to take. Yeah, that's good.

Dan Wheeler:

So after he interprets the dream, then Pharaoh lifts him up and says, I'm feral, but you're over everything. But because Joseph develop those deep roots in the deep wisdom that comes with it. He had the foresight, to know that he had to store up some food during the really productive years, for the lean years. And, you know, he was he was able to have that wisdom. But your next chapter is called The limited leader. And I'm sure there were times when Joseph thought boy went through all that just so I could store up food.

Aaron Burke:

Sadly, right then, I had never saw this part of the story until I actually only written six chapters of the book. And I felt there was one more and I was missing. And I went and reread the story. And I thought, that's an unfair advantage. It's unfair, that he gets promoted after 13 years of pain. And Pharaoh says, Great, you're number two in charge, you're the prime minister. And by the way, you can do nothing except for prepare for famine. I wouldn't be like me have five or six things on my job description. I mean, yeah, let me at least have you know, a couple different things I can be interested. Let me run the pyramid building projects. And because it's unfair, to stay focused, right. But if you can learn how to focus, it is for your advantaged boy. And I love

Dan Wheeler:

you hit Yeah, you had the comparison of light, like is just lighting the brains of room. But if it's a laser, it can cut through steel,

Aaron Burke:

steel, and we have a bunch of people, especially people that are younger, who are sitting there thinking their greatest gift to mankind is that they can do 80 things well focus your life, the more focus you will be, the more effective you will be. Yeah, and it's same thing. It's like I wrote that book, the unfair advantage. And I was not writing the book while I was doing my doctorate. And while I was pastoring, the church and while I was raising my kids know, I took a week away multiple times throughout a few different years. And I'm going to laser focus on what this is going to be. Because I am only effective really at one thing at a time. So I'm just not great at doing a lot of things at one time. So I would just challenge people get your life focus, we we have celebrated a culture of jack of all trades and their masters of none

Terry Steen:

right? You're right, right.

Dan Wheeler:

I've written a few books and I had to do the same thing you got to get away. It's got to be where God can speak. And then then you say in that chapter, don't just do good things. Do God things. I love that.

Aaron Burke:

Yeah, you know what God has something for you to focus on right now. And I give a simple way to figure that out. You can figure out God's plan for your life. You know, we're led by the Spirit we're Spirit lead people. How do we do that we hear God's voice. We can we can say no to the world no to foolish things, say yes to God. And don't ever sacrifice the God thing that he wants to do for your life for just a good opportunity that comes along. Wait for the God thing. And and I'll just say it this way people always ask like, how do I know if it's God's will? How do I know if it's what God wants me to do? Peace followship peace follows it. And you can just tell me like, it's like this podcast, you're like, I don't know. i It's a risk. But I feel like God's in it. I feel peace in it. It's the same thing. Peace follows God's plan.

Dan Wheeler:

Yeah, boy, it certainly does. And, and then you said, as your abilities grow, opportunities will grow. That's certainly true. Always work on getting better. And then some of the best ministries happen after some of the biggest moments of pain. That's what happened to us. And I love that you encourage people because there are people are going through pain right now. And they're not even thinking about ministry. But God is in that pain. And he can give you wisdom on why you went through it. I always say there is a purpose for everything we go through, we have to find that and find the path that God wants us to take out of that pain.

Terry Steen:

Absolutely. And before we go any further, I would really like for Pastor Aaron to pray for those that are listening right now that are in pain that are in a dark place. And they're listening to this and they're saying, Yeah, that might be good for Joseph, but I just don't think I can get there. Yeah, for us.

Aaron Burke:

Lord, I pray for those who are listening to this watching this podcast, and they are just in a dark spot board. They are there. It's it feels unfair what they've gone through, I felt like even somebody, maybe a spouse walked out on them. Maybe a kid isn't talking to them anymore, or maybe even a job promotion fell through. And they just feel that pain. And Lord, I pray that we would find comfort, and that you're a god with a great plan for their life. Lord, your God that uses all of our pain. I don't believe you cause it but I do think you use it for your glory. So Lord, we submit that plank, that pain to you. We submit that bitterness and resentment, we're not going to hold on to the past any longer. We're going to release it to You. And Lord, we make a decision right now, Lord, where we might be driving in a car, but we're making that decision right now that you know what we're moving forward to what you have for us next, we're moving into the fact that we're going to put purpose behind the struggles we went through. And I pray that you would open up divine opportunities for us to use our past to help somebody else walk into their purpose. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

Dan Wheeler:

Hallelujah. Well, yeah, I want to use every minute we have left and we have a few. So I'm going to call this the Lightning Lightning round there. Love it. Let's do it. Guys, we've got some things that we listed here under the conclusion as we wrap it all up. Let's just guide Aaron through these four points. And Aaron, if you can give us maybe, you know, 20 to 30 seconds on each. And I'll start because this really struck me my personality or God's designed who he made me my passions, what makes me get out of bed, and my pain. Nothing is wasted with God equals God's plan. And Aaron, I said earlier, I'm so glad that you included plant pain, because pain always plays such a significant role. Give us history moved

Aaron Burke:

it out of there. I've watched personality assessments and how do you figure out God's plan for your life? For years, I've never seen someone include the pain part. But your pain is part of your story. We impress people with our strengths. But we impact people through our pain.

Dan Wheeler:

Great, guys.

Terry Steen:

I can't believe he just said that, because that was one of the four points we were going to discuss any hit it right there. But there's one thing I've noticed is that when I'm in pain, if I've if I've mess my back up, I can't function. I can't think of anything else. I can't do anything. Because all I'm thinking about is my pain. And you had mentioned that the enemy wants us to be focused on the pain instead of our purpose. So if he can get that pain into us, and all we can do is think about that throb, then we're incapacitated aren't we? And spiritually, we got to get over it when

Aaron Burke:

we do and I think so let's put it real practical, real practical is is that if you don't heal from whatever cuts you or hurt you, you're gonna end up bleeding on a bunch of people that never hurt you in the first place. So you've got to learn that you need to take a season, not not years a season to get healthy. Get Healthy. If you're in that pain, get healthy. Let the Holy Spirit do it. I love that even about Dan's story. It's like, it's like, Hey, I feel like God's calling you to do something, I feel like it sounds like hey, I'm, I'm going, I'm ready to the next thing. Some of it takes some healing, some counseling, some good brothers or sisters in the faith, like, get healthy, work through the pain, but then don't live in your pain any longer. And that's what I see so much, Terry, is people are living in their pain instead of getting healed, so they can use it for a better purpose.

Dan Wheeler:

Believe me, I had days I didn't want to get out of bed, I had trouble going back to work. It wasn't easy, but I knew it was there. And I knew I had to work. And in your right, there's a day where you say, okay, I can just do in my sorrow. You're right, Miss my wife forever, or I can get up and do something kind of in God's honor. And in her honor. So

Brian Roland:

this is why the next one is so so important, instead of trying to get famous. Sorry, Dan. No, that's good. Oh, why don't you lean into getting faithful? Yeah, that's perfect. I mean, you were in the limelight. You were on TV. But instead of going back there just because of who you were, what you were doing, you were getting faithful.

Dan Wheeler:

And God took that desire to be on TV away from me after 30 years. So it was

Aaron Burke:

it is and you know, the idea with our world today is we have the Instagram tick tock, social media world that everybody wants a platform, right? Like, don't worry about a platform worry about being famous before God. You know, it's like, I remember the old revivalist used to say, you know, I people might know your name. But does the devil know your name? Remember this? No, it's like the devil guy. Paul, I knew and Peter, I knew, I don't know who you are, yeah, make an impact in the spiritual realm and watch what God will do through your life. Oh,

Dan Wheeler:

Aaron, it's been an amazing time. This book, people are going to have so many takeaways. And I know that I'm going to refer to it time and time again. It's called the unfair advantage. You can get it on Amazon, Barnes and Noble books online, wherever, seven keys from the life of Joseph by Pastor Aaron Burke. And you're right, Mark Batterson. I loved reading his foreword, because we've read a few of his books. He's, he's a great writer. So God really put this together for you. Final thought on what you want people to take away from this from 30,000 feet, the big picture.

Aaron Burke:

Everything's best done in community, you want to walk into the purpose of God for your life, get a couple of brothers get get some family around, you go through the book together, and go through the seven things hold each other accountable on different seasons, when you're going through one of those seven things, leverage it for God's good, I show you how it's available. It's not automatic, that God's gonna use it, you got to make some good decisions. So get the book, go through it with a group together. And I think it'll help you,

Dan Wheeler:

Erin, thanks for being with us all the way from Ireland now. Get some sleep and enjoy the rest of your time there. Thank you so much for being with us. We're gonna wrap things up. It was a pleasure having you.

Terry Steen:

Thanks, Aaron. Yeah.

Dan Wheeler:

Oh, what a good guy. And boy, he's got a lot of wisdom for his age, guys. Because, you know, one of my takeaways from his book, wrapping things up is that, you know, life is short. But Eternity is forever. And I'm sure Joseph felt like it was an eternity. 13 years in prison. But man, he kept his eye on the big picture, the long range goal.

Terry Steen:

Yeah, that's the key, isn't it. Because as you're in the journey, it's so hard to think toward the end. And once he got there, once his brothers were in front of them, and he realized and could say what you meant to harm me. God meant for good. And that worked its way out. And if we could get that perspective in our own lives, that whatever is going on, that we feel is harming us, whatever is painful, if we would just realize that God is meaning it for good. We just have to wait till it happens.

Brian Roland:

And the one thing that I got out of here, too, is it's very young, we never got to the last line with us we want to talk about but it wraps it all up. You might impress people with your strengths, but you impact them with your struggles. See you going through something and see how you are, how you're approaching it and how you are doing it. That's what that's the impact you have on people.

Dan Wheeler:

And I think people are watching us when we're going through those struggles. And it is true, we find out what we're made of, you know, is your work going to be wood, hay and stubble, or is it going to be lasting? Right? Something that is just going to the fire can't touch and that's what we have in our faith in Christ. Well, guys, that was a great two episodes. And Terry, thanks so much for arranging this and getting Aaron on with us. It was a really good, good episode. Yeah, well, we hope you all tell others about this podcast finish strong. We are the three guys from fearless Faith Ministries who bring you this please feel free to join us on Facebook at Fearless faith or FFM 60 our logo is three flames for the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are us three friends that go way back. You can find us on youtube under fearless faith, we've got a great channel there and boy that's really been rising steadily and a lot of views on our videos. We have three minute videos called your morning cup of inspiration. We have an Instagram page that is fantastic. Terry, tell Karen she deserves

Terry Steen:

a raise. In fact, I'm thinking about doubling her pay really? From nothing to nothing. Yeah,

Dan Wheeler:

hopefully she won't notice. She does a great job working for the Kingdom. Well guys, I hope that you guys stay safe. I know you got some weather issues down there in Florida. I'm up here in Michigan where we don't have hurricanes. But I do miss the sunshine down. Let's do again real soon. Okay, all right. Hey, God bless everybody. Join us again for another edition of finished

John Matarazzo:

Thank you for listening to finish strong. For more information about finish strong and fearless faith. Check out their website F Make sure that you rate and review this podcast to help more people accomplish their God given purpose so that together we can finish strong

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