Finish Strong With Fearless Faith

The Israeli War and End Times Part 2 #109

Fearless Faith / John Hope Season 3 Episode 109

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The War between Israel and Hamas has captured the attention of the world.  Many Christians are wondering if this is the beginning of the end.  On this edition of Finish Strong, we discuss Israel, Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, Turkey and more.  You’ll be fascinated to discover that this was all predicted several hundred years ago in the Old Testament of the Bible.

But when and where does this war end and what will follow after?  Is this war in any way related to the war between Russia and Ukraine?  Will the anti-Christ show up and end these wars? Bible Scholar John Hope joins us to answer these questions and more on Part 2 on the Israelis War and the End Times.  

John has been our most popular guest on Finish Strong.  You will be fascinated and inspired as he weaves in passages from the Old and New Testament proving that God’s Word is true and it is unfolding before our very eyes!  Be sure to share this episode as well as episode #108 with your friends, family and anyone who is interested in Bible prophecy

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Dan Wheeler:

We're discussing the war in Israel and its implication as far as End Times prophecy, and this is finished strong. I'm Dan Wheeler and Brian Roland and Terry Steen are here, guys, that last episode with John Hope was fascinating. I just, I'm still reeling from the things he said,

Terry Steen:

Yeah, yeah, I'm almost ready to forgive him for being the better son in law. We were always in competition. And he always won. But I'm willing to forgive him after all. I mean, he's just got a phenomenal mind, doesn't he? Yeah, he

Dan Wheeler:

does. And I went to college with you and your mind was interesting. Brian, what did you think?

Brian Roland:

Two pages of notes. I mean, I just, wow. Hard to believe that. How did I miss all this?

Dan Wheeler:

I thought I saw your writing. Well, let's welcome back to finish strong, our most popular and most frequent guest, Mr. John Hope, John, it's so great to have you you have such an understanding of biblical prophecy. You've been a pastor, you've been a chaplain, but all your life, you've been a student of the Bible, and we're watching it happen before our eyes. It's just coming more and more to light, the truth of Scripture.

John Hope:

And well, it's good to be with you again. And the great, great and exciting topic to talk about too, if I get a little excited, you'll have to excuse me, I tend to get carried away a little bit. I'm trying to contain myself.

Dan Wheeler:

Well, we're so glad you've taken the time to be with us. This is really an important topic, and you're really helping a lot of people. We talked the last time about Hamas and how it's even mentioned in the Old Testament. And we go all the way back to Hagar and Sarah when Sarah because Sarah became impatient and didn't wait on God's promise and didn't believe God's promise. And that's where all this started. But tonight, we're gonna go more into Scripture and some of the countries that are aligning and who's where, but the first thing that I want to discuss is, we've been noticing that there's seems like ever since October 7, this war started. You see more and more empathy for Palestine and for Hamas, and more hatred, animosity shown towards Israel. It's absolutely mind boggling to me why and how this is happening? What are your thoughts on this?

John Hope:

Yet? And I think I think we're going to see that even more and more as maybe the ground incursion begins with Israel. As you indicated, you know, even though the major media news stations have turned from October, the seventh when everybody seemed to be sympathetic with Israel and what they had suffered, and the egregious nature of, of the Hamas attack, but now we're seeing college campuses supporting Hamas. I saw Columbia University even had a paraglider picture a banner with a paraglider of Hamas, aka Psalm for grade soldier coming down on a paraglider and saying Free Hamas, you know, Free Free Gaza. Really, what we should be saying is Free Gaza from Hamas. Right. But I think again, the the root of this is spiritual, you know, you can almost sense in the in the vitriol in the hatred. When I, when I saw Rashida to leave, you know, an American Congresswoman, and I didn't realize she's a Palestinian, a Palestinian American, but for her to stand up on a stage and say, you know, that Israel was responsible for the killing of Hamas citizens, and that Israel was responsible for the attack to begin with because of their apartheid, nature, their genocide, their illicit occupation, and their colonialism. Yeah,

Dan Wheeler:

she likes those words. All of those, you

John Hope:

know, and they just roll off her tongue, but you could. I could sense a spiritual vitriol. And I think that's right, because I'm really when you go to the Scriptures. In Revelation chapter 12, John the Revelator, records, an event significant event, and he shows a woman with clothed with the sun, and the moon beneath her feet that on her head was a crown with 12 stars, obviously, representative of the 12 tribes of Israel here this woman is representing Israel. And he said, I also saw a great red dragon. And the dragon had seven heads and 10 horns and seven crowns upon his head and with its tail it took away a third of the stars of heaven, and the woman was pregnant and crying out out in agony in the pains of childbirth. And the great dragon was in front of the woman ready to devour the male child that she should deliver. I thought about that scripture if there's anything that would represent anti semitism, spiritually in the world today, it would be Revelation Chapter 12. We're here we have the woman represented by Israel, we have Satan, obviously that old serpent, the great dragon, according to Revelation 12, nine, and then we have the male child, which obviously, is the Messiah, what irritates Satan more than the great narrative of the plan of redemption of our God, and who has God chosen to be the vehicle of that redemptive story. He called Abram out of error, the county's Abram was a Gentile, he was a Babylonian he was from Iraq, he calls Abraham at a URL of the cow, these promises that he's going to make of him a great nation. In Genesis 1518, he said, I'm going to make a covenant with you, Abram, and I'm going to give unto your descendants, this land, from the river in Egypt, until the great river, the river Euphrates. And so here, we have God beginning his narrative of redemption, beginning with a nation and with a land. And here in this war, we have a nation and the Land of Israel, some 6000 4000 years later, and yet we have all this anti semitism, this hatred, it's satanically induced, and the people with the vitriol and the hatred comes directly from Satan, trying to intercept and interrupt the very redemptive plan of God, and what it represents to the salvation of the human race. So John,

Terry Steen:

it can be anything but spiritual, because you think about this little country, you think about, are there 3 million people in Israel is that the number 2.9 million 2.9, around 3 million people, and the entire world appears to hate them. So there's no logic to it. So it's got to be spiritual, doesn't it?

John Hope:

Definitely spiritually induced and it's just from the very beginning, it started stating couldn't stand the fact that God was developing that redemptive plan, and he's been trying to interrupt it intercepted and destroy it ever since. And I think we see that in these protests on the university campuses. We see it in the nations that surround Israel, really the world as you said, Terry, really the world. There's a there's an inexplicable hatred of Israel, other than it being of satanic origin. I think all anti semitism is really Satanism.

Dan Wheeler:

Well, on that same point, you know, Satan is the father of lies, I'm sorry to hear, but I just here's an observation that there's just so many lies. I mean, they saw the atrocities carried out by Hamas, and they're saying it was Israel. I mean, Satan just loves to tell lies. Yeah.

John Hope:

You know, and one of one of the signs that Paul gives to young Timothy and Second Timothy, chapter three, and verse 13, he said, You know, when the last time in the last days perilous times shall come, Evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, being deceived and deceiving others, you know, and that's what we're seeing in this war. You know, they're, they're misrepresenting the fact that Israel had experienced this horrific event. And now the blame is going on Israel. There's there's no other explanation for it. Then Satan, trying to demonize the vehicle of God's redemptive plan and salvation.

Terry Steen:

Yeah, yeah. Let me let me read this because it's amazing that we know some of the prophetic books in the Bible, but there's a chapter in Psalm Psalm or poems. But yet there's a prophetic Psalm in Psalm 83 And I want to read this quick and then let you talk about it and give us your thoughts on this. Oh God, do not keep silent. Be not quiet. Oh God, be not steal. See how your enemies are a stir how your foes rear their heads with cunning they conspire against their people, they plot against those you cherish, come they say Let us destroy them as a nation that the name of Israel be remembered no more. With one mind they plot together, they form an alliance against you the tense of Edom, Ishmaelites of Moab and the descendants of Hagar Gebel Amman, Emma like a Listia with the people of Tyre, even a city Maria has joined them to lend strength to the descendants of Lochte. It talks about that. And I, I want you to unpack that. And I know we'll talk about it further, but it's listing all of these countries. And this is back in Psalm 83, where we see the hatred gaining ground, don't we?

John Hope:

We sure do. And I think it's, it's significant to know, you know, ASAP, we normally think of as David's worship leader, you remember when he when he brought the Ark of the Covenant back from the house of Obed Edom, you know, after the Philistines have given it up and, and David wanted to bring it back with grand fanfare, so appointed asef And the sons of a SAF as the worship leaders to provide the music with the tambourines and cymbals and the Lear and dancing before the Lord. But but it's also interesting to note that in Second Chronicles, Chapter 29, and verse one asef, is listed as a seer, or a prophet. So he was not only a worship leader, he was also a pretty good preacher that explains that. Right? So Psalms 83, then really, although it's in the books that we normally would perceive as being poetry, it really is a future prophecy. Yeah, yet has to be fulfilled. And if you look at the nations that he mentions, and he does talk about a conspiracy and a confederacy, where they agree together, and what are they going to do? What was Hamas is? Mission? What was their their charter? What did it say they wanted to do? They wanted to wipe Israel off the face of the earth, and hear that the name of Israel may be remembered no more come let us cut them off from being a nation in the interest right out of their own charter almost word for word out of the charter of Hamas in 1988. The mission that they are trying to accomplish today, the mission they had in mind on October, the seventh, when they made the incursion across 29 Breach points in the Israeli wall and invaded 21 Israeli towns and slaughtered Israelis and at the Music Conference. So it's what nations are these that he's talking about? Well, he said they have consulted together with one consent. First of all, he mentions the tense of Edom. The Edomites were the descendants of Esau. And if you look at Israel on a map, there are a ring of nations that surround Israel today. If you go to the south of the Gaza Strip, it's been talked about a lot. You have the Rafah crossing that they've been talking about, and what does it go into? It goes into Egypt, repressing the Sisi doesn't want anything to do with Hamas. He doesn't want them coming to his country. So he's, he's close that border. Right. And loss won't let the humanitarian aid in. They're really nice. So there folks aren't that humanitarian aid and fuel is sitting there some 700 trucks. And yet, I'm also saying no, don't let it in. In fact, when the bombing of that hospital happened in Gaza City the other day, and they tried to blame it on Israel, we learned that Hamas was preventing their citizens from even traveling to the south. They don't want them getting out of harm's way. They want to use them as human shields because they want the public relations scandal to demonize Israel. Israeli hatred again, but you have the tense of Edom, you also have a Moab is mentioned and the sons of lot. Well, I think it's pretty interesting. If you look at a map of Israel, the eastern border of Israel is totally the country of Jordan. Jordan on a biblical map had Amman to the north, Moab in the center, and Edom to the south. So he talks about the tents of Edom, and Moab and Ammon and the sons of Lot was Ammon and Moab. We're talking about the current nation of Jordan under King Abdullah and capitalism on so there's one definitive country that we see in Psalms 83. He also talks about Phyllis Jaya, and in the New King James Version Polish Jews mentioned, which we said was the territory of Hamas. He mentions the inhabitants of Tyre, Tyre and Sidon are two cities that are mentioned frequently in the Bible, and they're both in the current Lebanon. So you have Lebanon to the north of Israel. Then you have Syria and he mentioned here a Syria has also joined with them, but you have tear and Sidon Lebanon, you have us Syria, which is Syria, the capital Damascus, you have Ammon, Moab and Edom to the east of Israel, which is the current country of Jordan, you go down to the south border. And Saudi Arabia doesn't exactly border on Israel, but it's used to refer to as the home of the Ishmaelites. Isn't that interesting? We talked about Ishmael, where he came from, he was the son of Abraham through Hagar, a lot of this old ancient hatred started with Ishmael. And here, the residents of Saudi Arabia are referred to as Israelites. So you have a ring of countries, you have Egypt, to the south, you have Lebanon, to the northwest, you have Syria to the northeast, you have Jordan to the direct east, and then you have Saudi Arabia, to the southeast, all these countries have conformed a confederacy to wipe Israel's memory out of existence and to wipe them off the face of the earth. Well, currently, the nations that were afraid of may become in this skirmish. If it begins to broaden out, we're already concerned about Hezbollah in the north, which is coming out of Lebanon, they have 150,000% and based missiles in their arsenal, wow, pointing at Israel, and capable of reaching Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. So we have one nation that we're already concerned about. We have the nation of Syria, Damascus, the capital, they've already fired and barbed rockets into northern Israel. That's why Israel had to evacuate 50,000 of his residents from 28 of its northern cities. So Syria is already they're already involved in rattling, and they're showing that they may get involved King Abdullah of Jordan, they had protests in Amman, on the day of hatred on October the 13th, where they had over 100,000 people in the streets of Amman, protesting against Israel and supporting Hamas, we can tell where they're leaning, even though they have a tentative treaty already with Israel over the desalinization of some water and some natural gas rights. That treaty could easily be broken. And Jordan could easily enter into this war, Saudi Arabia has broken off the normalization talks, and he refused to meet with President Biden. So they're being sympathetic towards their Muslim Brothers, Hamas in this dispute, then you have Egypt, who is also not allowing Hamas citizens and Gaza citizens to come into their country. But the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt is also sympathetic towards Israel. So all of these countries mentioned in Psalms 83, could very easily become entangled in this multiregional conflict. And when it happens, who knows what America will have to do? We've got two aircraft carriers already in the Mediterranean Sea. We've deployed 4000 soldiers and put them on high alert in case they need to be activated. America has already said if Hezbollah attacks Israel from the north, we would have to protect our friend Israel. We can see the very sensitive and precarious nature were Psalms 83 could become that prophetic war that asef talked about that Confederate can that Arab confederacy against Israel could easily come together with a ring of nations surrounding Israel and attacking them from all sides.

Dan Wheeler:


Terry Steen:

that's so interesting.

Brian Roland:

Is there a prophetic connection between the war that's mentioned here in Psalms 83, and the war of Gog and Magog that's mentioned in Ezekiel 30 and 30. And I,

John Hope:

I do think there's a very, very direct connection. When you read Ezekiel 38, and 39, of course, we've already when you look at that, at the math of the countries involved, it's predominantly Russia, Persia, meaning Iran, and me Shaq and tuvo, which is Turkey. There's countries in North Africa mentioned Kush, and Paiute, which is Libya, and Ethiopia and modern day times, and probably Egypt would have been included in those countries at that time. And so those countries are the main players in Ezekiel 38 and 39. They invade Israel from the North. God supernaturally intervenes, but it says when they invade Israel, it's it's dwelling in security, without walls, having recovered from a great war and that peace, hmm. War would that have been? And you notice the surrounding nations around Israel are not mentioned in Ezekiel 38 and 39. Could that be because Israel has already routed them in the psalms at Three war and taken over that territory taken over that land, or at least dismantle them enough to where they're no longer a threat to Israel. And so Russia now comes in to really take the booty, so to speak, to take all of the natural gas of Israel, which, by the way, is the chief competitor to Russia, right now in the natural gas trade, and they're supplying a lot of natural gas to Europe. So could it be that Israel routes the ring of nations around them? Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Gaza, takes over wins this war routes those nations dwells at peace having recovered from the War, Russia says we need to get a piece of this. And we're coming down from the north, and we're going to attack Israel. And then God has to supernaturally intervene in that war and rain, fire and brimstone from heaven. They're going to burn the fuel of Russia's weapons for seven months. Why bodies for seven years? And that Ezekiel 38 and 39 war? Oh, my

Dan Wheeler:

goodness possible?

John Hope:

I think it's connected. I think the one war will lead to the next war. And so, yes, I do think there's a prophetic connection between these two battles in Scripture.

Terry Steen:

John D. Do you think, where do you start? I know, we can't know for sure. But at one point, where will the tribulation? I mean, would that just like in Russia coming down? I mean, we you're talking about some devastation that it almost sounds like apocalyptic. It almost sounds like we're in the tribulation when that takes place. But maybe not.

John Hope:

I guess, most biblical scholars, you know, that I read would say, it probably is a tribulation war. Some think it could happen, you know, pre tribulation, and set the ground for the Antichrist, the world ruler to come and kind of pull the pieces all together. And the world may look to somebody like that as a result of the devastation of that war. So I guess it's up in the air. And we'll know when we see Jesus.

Terry Steen:

And it's possible that any of these wars that are that appear to be moving that direction, could be tribulation wars, or they could happen first. We just don't know, obviously. But it's really interesting to me to think about how much of that we'll see or not see?

John Hope:

Yeah. Yep. I know one thing there is, you know, there is going to be a time when the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and the trump of God, and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Yeah. And we which are alive and remain shall be caught up with them together in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

Dan Wheeler:

Amen. Stay that will be Amen, brother.

John Hope:

That's the one I'm looking for. And, you know, there is a lot of devastation, a lot of destruction, a lot of horrific happenings. On the one hand, on the other hand, we're looking for that to be the birth pangs to usher us in to the eternal glory of the face of our Savior. And the rapture of the church will take place and forever, for ever, for ever, we will be with the Lord.

Dan Wheeler:

Well, Brian, did you have a question before I go into the

Brian Roland:

Antichrist? One question that always weighs on me is where is America and this? What about America?

Dan Wheeler:

Yeah, we've all wondered that.

John Hope:

That is a great question, Brian. You know, I think, obviously, in all the scriptures we've already alluded to, we don't see a direct reference to America, but some say and I do believe this, and Ezekiel 38 and 39. It says that when Russia, Roche and Misha can to will Turkey and Persia, Iran, with Putin, Sudan come in to the land of Israel. There's a couple of countries that it talks about that resists the invasion, not militarily, but by way of diplomacy. It sounds like, and those countries are referred to as the Dan and the merchants are the sons of Tarshish. Well, if you study Biblical geography, and you go back far enough, Dan is is the region of the Israelites or Saudi Arabia. The merchants of the sons of Tarshish are usually from the western coast of Spain, into the United Kingdom and Ireland. And then it talks about The sons of the merchants of Tarshish would be the colonies, probably of England, and those colonies around the world. So some steel, like there'll be a weak diplomatic resistance to the invasion of these countries from the north, but they won't be much of a military presence, or there won't be much of a military resistance, it will be more diplomatic and verbal. And it does allude to that and Ezekiel 38, and 39. And that may be the role that America plays in that conflict.

Dan Wheeler:

And John, you referred earlier to the antichrist that this could all be setting up for him and talk about the Treaty of treaties that's coming as referred to in Daniel nine.

John Hope:

That's a fabulous verse. It's really in Daniel 924, through 27. It seems complicated upon reading, because it talks about 490 weeks and seven weeks and a half a week. And but you have to think of weeks as yours as you read that scripture. But in in verse 27, it says that the ruler who we believe to be a reference to the Antichrist, the ruler will set up a treaty or a covenant with Israel, but for one week, or for seven years, but in the middle of the week, he stops the sacrifices and the ablations. And he sets up a desecration called the abomination of desolations. Jesus referred to that in Matthew 24, the abomination of desolation is you better run you better, you better get out, you know, it's time to leave. And what that is, is that we think the Antichrist sits up maybe a monument of himself in the Holy of Holies, of what would be a Third Temple. Maybe this treaty that the antichrist negotiates, with the rulers of the Arab countries allows for Israel to finally build their third temple, that would have to be a temple to set up a monument in the Holy of Holies. So it presupposes the fact that there is a Third Temple. But this treaty, everybody will fall for it initially, it'll look like a great thing. But there, I mean, the peace in the Middle East has been the prize sought by many rulers, right and never achieved, the Antichrist will achieve that price. It'll be the Treaty of all treaties, it'll be the foreign relations accomplishment of the millennium, for him to negotiate that, and then to violate that treaty, right in front of the Jews, in their holiest of cities. It's the Wonder Jerusalem will become a trembling cup to the nations that Christ does that. It's going to take the lid off, the Jews will realize this is not their Messiah. And they'll look for the real Messiah, Jesus Christ, we know and love. And it'll take the lid off of the AntiChrist, but it'll be the Treaty of treaties for three and a half years, and the Jews will buy into it. And I think Saudi Arabia will buy into it, all the nations around Israel will buy into it. And for three and a half year period, there'll be a relative peace in the world because of the negotiated treaty of this Antichrist for three and a half years. But after that, literally all hell will break loose, the seals will be open, the trumpets will be blown, the bowls and the vials will be emptied. And you can read that, and Revelation four through 19. And we all know the devastation that that brings. But anyway, for three and a half years, there'll be a relative calm and peace.

Terry Steen:

Yeah, yeah. So as believers, we know we're listening to all this. We're seeing all the pieces come together we're seeing now 1000s of years of prophecy is starting to take place before our very eyes. So what's our responsibility? We know we have a couple of things to do. And one is to pray. And that verse in Psalm, Psalm 122, the sixth and seventh verse that says, Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, May those who love you be secure. May there be peace within your walls and security within your city adults. So I think it's a good reminder for us and for everybody listening, that we have a responsibility to pray for the people of Israel for the city of Jerusalem, don't we?

John Hope:

Amen. I think it's an imperative in the Hebrew of Psalms 122, six, in other words, it's not a suggestion. You know, it's a it's a command. So when Laura and I have our devotions daily, the first order of business is to pray that prayer, Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and literally what the psalmist says is they that love The shall prosper. Yeah. Our prosperity is contingent upon our prayers, our effective prayers for Jerusalem, you know, so I think it's it's just, we have to take that as a biblical imperative that this is not a holy suggestion. This is a divine command. And right now, especially when we see what's happening in Israel, as ungodly as some of the Zionists may be, and you know, I learned in Israel when we went there in 1996, not all Jews are religious. They're living in Israel, but they're not religious. They're they're Zionist. They want the land. They want the political control, but they really don't want anything to do with Yahweh. And so there are some Orthodox Jews and many of them are a very ultra religious people, but a lot of them are not but we still pray for the peace of Jerusalem, that there would be security in the walls and prosperity in the citadels, the Citadel is representing the governing authorities. I pray for Netanyahu every day I pray for Natali Ben and I pray for Luppi. I pray for Moshe Dayan. I prayed for every premier every prime minister, every president Herzog currently for the foreign minister of Israel, I pray for them in my prayers, because it's a commandment God has laid that our security our eternal security, and America security is contingent upon the effective praying for the peace of Jerusalem.

Terry Steen:

That's powerful, powerful.

Dan Wheeler:

And Terry, as a song we used to sing in college, lift up your head, your redemption draweth.

Terry Steen:

Isn't that the truth? And I think anybody listening today, if they are listening to this and feeling fearful, they're feeling anxious. Uncertainty, as is any of this stuff true, or they just don't know in their spirit. They can. And you can, if you're listening today, you can know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you can have perfect peace as we go through this whole thing. And John mentioned it earlier. And it was Luke, the 21st chapter says at that time, when you see the Son of Man coming in the cloud, he's gonna come in the cloud with power, and with great glory. And when these things begin to take place, we can stand up, lift up our heads, because our redemption is drawing die. We as Christians, we as believers, who know Christ, will have that day of redemption. And anyone listening can have that same day, and join us. And it's just a matter of accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior. I'm going to ask John to pray for anybody who wants to make sure that they can know and have the peace of God throughout what ever lies ahead, John, would you do that in closing for us?

John Hope:

Certainly, thank you are God we thank you for your word. Your Word is quick. It's powerful. It's sharper than any two edged sword, it pierces even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit of joint and marrow, and it deserves the very thoughts and intents of our hearts. So I know this evening, as your word has gone forth across these airwaves, that hearts have been desert and hearts have been sensitized to you and to your holy presence, and to your redemptive plan for us. And Lord, you said, all we have to do is confess with our mouth, the Lord Jesus, and believe in our heart that God has raised Him from the dead, and we will be saved. So Lord, I know there's some listening tonight that want you to come into their lives, wants you to bring your wholeness, your peace, the security of your presence, and more the power and majesty of your love. So come to bear into their lives tonight so that they know that their eternity is set. Yes, they have a destiny to be with you, and eternal destiny that is sealed by the Holy Spirit, or God. Those that pray that prayer, those that confess with their mouth, the Lord Jesus, or God, just give them the assurance of their soul salvation, and the assurance of their eternal destiny. But we ask this all in Jesus name, amen.

Dan Wheeler:

Amen. Wow, John, thank you. We can't thank you enough. who knows we might be doing a follow up with you. So keep your phone up. If you're great, and you are really a servant of the Lord and used by him, and we are just so appreciative we, we want to be like you, John. Yeah. It's gonna be a ways off.

John Hope:

Thank you guys appreciate it.

Dan Wheeler:

Thank you, John. We're gonna wrap things up. God bless you. Yeah, well, guys, we can have a lot of joy and hope because we know the Bible is true. You see it coming to pass every day in the news. And John just lays it out. So clearly.

Terry Steen:

Yeah, there's so so many pieces that are flying around. And if you sit and try to absorb it all, it can be overwhelming, but it at the end of the day, it becomes very simple, doesn't it?

Brian Roland:

You made it real clear. I mean, you sit there like, like you said, I didn't know these countries. I'm trying to figure out how it related and then he just spews it right out there. I'm writing him down as fast as I can. It's like something new to me. It's just amazing.

Dan Wheeler:

Fascinating. He's the first guy to refer to America as possibly being that was mentioned in a diplomatic way. Yeah. That was interesting. Yeah. And I can see Israel taking care of business with all these countries. And Russia says, here we come. And then the abomination of desolation and the interesting

Terry Steen:

days ahead. Yeah.

Brian Roland:

You're talking about the tribulation. I kept thinking about you. What is the record of church happening here?

Dan Wheeler:

Yeah. We're anxious. But you know, the Bible says work well, it's day, we have to keep about our Father's business. And that's what we're doing here at Fearless faith. So, guys, thank you and those of you watching, please tell your friends about finish strong. Please go to our Facebook page at FFM 60. Where we have your morning cups of inspiration. We've been talking about this topic, but so many other topics. We want you to grow in your faith. We want you to be ready. Get ready, just the trains that come in and lift up your head your redemption drawers. Nice. Now God bless everybody, tell your friends to go back and watch episode number 108 along with this 1109 And we appreciate your support. We'll see you next time.

John Matarazzo:

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