Finish Strong With Fearless Faith
Finish Strong is designed to help you discover your unique purpose and develop a plan to leave a powerful legacy. Hosts Dan Wheeler, Terry Steen, and Brian Roland will help you live your life with purpose, change someone’s life for the better and leave a lasting impact on those around you. Everyone starts the race... but only the Fearless Finish Strong!
Finish Strong With Fearless Faith
Faith, Friendship, and Your FAQs: Inside Our Fearless Journey #111
From time to time, we open up our Facebook page and take questions from our audience. We answer them on FINISH STRONG. This is ALWAYS a popular podcast that challenges our Biblical knowledge. We tackle a wide variety of topics that are on listeners minds in this episode.
Join us for a fascinating discussion this week as we answer tough questions like: Where is God in the midst of tragedy? Why were many Jewish people brutally murdered, including innocent babies on October 7th, 2023? Will people who commit suicide go to heaven? Did miracles end after the book of Acts? How should I start reading the Bible? Will we be married to our spouses in heaven?
We put in the time and searched out the Biblical answers to these questions. Now we hope you’ll take the time to listen and let us know what you think.
In this enlightening episode of "Finish Strong with Fearless Faith," join hosts Dan Wheeler, Terry Steen, and Brian Roland as they dive into a heartwarming and inspiring journey through their lives and the formation of their ministry. This episode opens with a casual and friendly introduction, setting the tone for an intimate and engaging discussion.
Discover the deep-rooted friendship that binds these three men, dating back to their college days in 1973. Listen as they recount the pivotal moments that led to the inception of 'Fearless Faith' and how their shared experiences and love for music played a crucial role in their spiritual journey.
The hosts share their personal paths to faith, revealing poignant childhood experiences that shaped their relationship with God. Each story is a testament to the power of early spiritual encounters in guiding life's course.
In a touching segment, Dan Wheeler provides a candid update on his recent health challenges, highlighting the importance of faith in overcoming life's hurdles. The trio then dives into the creative process behind their popular "Morning Cup of Inspiration," giving listeners a behind-the-scenes look at how they transform personal devotions and observations into motivational content.
The episode takes a deeper turn as they tackle difficult questions about God's presence in times of tragedy, the complexities surrounding suicide, and the transformative power of prayer. They offer insights into understanding the Bible, making this episode a valuable resource for anyone seeking spiritual guidance or simply looking to enrich their faith journey.
Tune in to this episode of "Finish Strong with Fearless Faith" for a blend of personal stories, spiritual insights, and heartfelt discussions that promise to uplift, inspire, and strengthen your faith.
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welcome to the podcast called finished strong. I'm Dan Wheeler. And I don't know who these other two guys are, but they just popped on the screen. Hi, kid, of course, Terry Steen and Brian Roland. Guys, every once in awhile, we'd like to open up our Facebook page at FFM 60 on Facebook and just ask our listeners and our viewers what questions they may have. And we never lacked for questions coming through there we we
Terry Steen:have some curious followers still, we? We sure do.
Brian Roland:Want to go deeper. We're not we're gonna get we're gonna set that up at another time.
Dan Wheeler:That's right. We're gonna answer as many as we can. And the ones we feel we're qualified. We had John Hope on biblical scholar not long ago, we might have to bring him back for some of these questions. Well, let's start with the first one guys. They want to know about our friendship. And I guess some people haven't heard how we formed, fearless faith. It was, in fact, the picture that I posted on our Facebook page when we asked for questions. That was the day the three of us decided to go into ministry together. But we didn't know what it would be called or what it would look like. Did we guys Yeah,
Terry Steen:yeah. And then go back all the way to 1973. That fall is when we all first met each other. In Springfield, Missouri during college. Dan and I were in the same dorm athletic dorm plan sports together. And Brian was in town and we got to interact and get to meet each other way, way back then, didn't we? Yeah, I
Brian Roland:just graduated. So I was able to lead you guys on the right path.
Dan Wheeler:Right came by one day, his mom told him as a ton because our parents knew each other before we were even born back in Cleveland. And we started talking about music and I had a song called Let's pretend by the raspberries. Do you remember that? I
Brian Roland:do very well. The drummer went to school to high school with me. Yeah, what with him? And
Dan Wheeler:I remember we played that over and over and Brian, Terry, you and I were in the same dorm. It just seemed like we were instantly friends from the first day and
Terry Steen:yeah, we connected and we stayed roommates all all four years, even moving to different dorms each time because we tried to find the best intramural quarterback right floors to get with a good quarterback. And as
Dan Wheeler:I recall, we were recruited heavily by several dorms. You know, the three of us if we went way back then we would never have guessed we'd been doing this together. But then this is from Carol Tracy Marie Lu. Maddy, they all want to know. And then they asked how did we become persons of God and I accepted the Lord at the age of nine at a church camp. How about you guys?
Brian Roland:I was fine. In the basement of our house with my mom, by the laundry by the washing machine. Yeah,
Terry Steen:early on for me at eight. So I think God had planted those seeds early in our life. And he's been so faithful to protect the ups and downs of life, and bring us back together. It's literally going to be eight years, probably this coming February that we really began doing some effective ministry. But man time has flown as
Dan Wheeler:it's flown and but boy has God done some great things. And it has been just an honor to be a part of it. And to do it with you guys. My best friends. Were just, this is great. The next one I can answer real quickly. Roseanne just wanted a quick update on my health. I started my cardiac rehab today. Some of you may not have known but a couple of weeks ago, I had a heart catheterization, they found a major blockage in what they call the Widowmaker, one of the main arteries in your heart, and two other blockages. They were able to fix me up thank the Lord, that my primary doctor here caught it in time. So that's the quick update. Yeah.
Terry Steen:And we're happy. We're happy about that. We just keep it around. Brian, and I didn't want to carry the whole load we'd like to share, we really
Dan Wheeler:want to do the work. Well, I think the next question is for you, buddy.
Terry Steen:Yeah, it was interesting. How do you decide what Scriptures to use in your morning cups?
Dan Wheeler:That's a good question. And of course, this
Terry Steen:is our finished strong podcast, which we do twice a month we used to in prior years do it every week. So if you're not seeing it every week, you're not missing it. We're just doing it twice a month, but we, for over seven years going on eight we have each done two inspirational morning videos, two to three minutes that we call your morning cup of inspiration. And we have many, many followers and views and for me, it's basically an outgrowth of my morning devotions. I just have my daily devotions, and I keep a journal next to me. And when God speaks to me about something, I write it in there. And then when it comes time to record my morning cup, I go back through those, and then just pray about which one kind of jumps out for me to share that day. And so probably 90% of mine are out of my devotions. And then the other 10 or so are just from things I hear or read that sort of thing. What about you guys?
Dan Wheeler:Yeah, I get a lot of my does just observing people or listening to conversations or things that happen. Sometimes it's from a sermon I've heard or a verse I've read, but I'd say for me, at least 50% are just things that I've observed that the Lord kind of just taps me on the shoulder and says, Hey, that makes a great morning cup of inspiration. By the way, we need to thank Brian for coming up with that title. In the beginning, I think I was calling it the cup of morning inspiration, or inspired morning cups took us a while, but we've got it down now. MCO, I come up with your ideas,
Brian Roland:pretty much the same. But it's, it's usually something I hear, or I see I observe, or I'm reading in certain links, it'll jump out at you. Like the other day saw something in the movie that we were watching. And also just so that's that's a perfect morning cup. And then I went and just did some research on it and find the verses that will that will go along with that. Not just to go along with it, but they're gonna help enable a person to understand better understand what you're trying to get, get the point across them. And but it's amazing, because there's be times when I'm going in here, setting everything up and going, I have nothing. And then God just puts in my head like, oh, that's what he did talk about. And those are the ones that people always come in and go, that's just for me. And I thought, well, that that was brought to you by God, not by me. Right? We all feel that way.
Dan Wheeler:Yeah. Yeah. Sometimes I have the verse or I think of a verse and that leads to it. But sometimes I have to look up verses like, you know, I think we all do we'll look up a topic and confine the verses. Well, Brian, number four comes from an and I think you're going to tackle that. What
Brian Roland:are your thoughts on unanswered prayer? I just did a morning cup on this and ncoi I just did one the other day on it. And my thoughts are God answers every prayer. No prayer goes unanswered. We may not like the answer might not be what we want it to be like the country song says, I thank God for unanswered prayers. Well, he's really answered the prayer in what was best for your life and best for you. I always say that God answers in three ways. It's either yes, it's no, or it's not yet. But he's going to answer the prayer. And how many times have we seen prayer like that? I've seen my grandparents praying for my aunts and uncles. And they're long gone before they come to the Lord. But those prayers have been answered. And it's not it's, of course, they had the free will. But God knocked on their door every day because those prayers were going out. And so I can't say that, honestly, every prayer that I've ever made, I know it's been answered one way or the other. And it's either yes, no or not yet. But this coming
Terry Steen:is good. Brian, I think about in Acts a 16 Chapter when Paul was trying to go to those different countries, and the spirit would not let him go. And you're going, Hey, he's going to evangelize. But yet the spirit didn't allow him to go there. You know, so God has a perfect plan. And I heard this saying that says prayer is not there to serve you, or to give you what you want. That's not why we pray. So we can't say it's an unanswered prayer, just because it wasn't answered the way we thought it would. Because the only thing that can stop his plan is our plan. If we try to do it our way that will stop his plan. But otherwise, if we listen, his plan will happen. Yeah, I
Dan Wheeler:know, I think a lot of young Christians think that God is Santa Claus, like we're just supposed to ask him things, and he's supposed to provide them. And that's not what this relationship is about at all. Our next question comes from three people kind of asked about this, Tina, Susan and Caroline. And they said, Men, they're asking where is God in the midst of all this tragedy and suffering in the world, and especially what we saw in Israel on October 7, the slaying of killing of innocent people, even babies so brutally killed? They're saying, Where was God? And my answer is, God was there. He knew all about it. He was with them. Joshua one five says, I'll never leave me nor forsake the one nine said the Lord thy God is with the wither soever thou ghost and Romans 838 And 39 says that I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels nor demons, neither the president nor the future, nor any power is neither height, nor depth, nor any other creation, shall be able to separate us from the love of God does in Christ Jesus our Lord, when a person dies, God is with them, especially children, innocent ones. And, you know, if someone were to die and go to heaven, and they came back to Earth, they wouldn't want to be here. I mean, if we knew what awaits for us, and these are things that really we can't understand with our human minds, I can't wrap around the good that's in some of those things. But there's a verse in I believe it's Isaiah 57, one that says, Sometimes God takes people out of this world to keep them from the evil that has to come. Right. So ultimately, he knows but God was there, and he is there and every tragedy. Yeah, that's what I think.
Terry Steen:And and another thought I had, as I was reflecting on that is, the Bible says in First Peter five, that Satan is a liar. And he lies about a lot of things, and he tries to deceive us and make us not believe the character of God. And so when some people see these things happening, they go, I can't believe or trust the God that would allow these things to happen. So they turn their back on God and that's deception from Satan. Because God's character is good, God's character is holy, he's loving, He's faithful. Those things never change. So I think if we can kind of get that in our head that when we start feeling that about unanswered prayers, that that's just Satan lyin to us. Yeah, good thoughts.
Brian Roland:We have that. So I had something I was gonna say on a Kluth. Forgot. So it's called age.
Dan Wheeler:Brian, let's refresh your memory from Robin. Now, this is a tough one that you wanted to tackle. Okay. But
Brian Roland:when we miss one for Terry, we're talking about viable? A
Dan Wheeler:we did? Oh, that would be my fault. Sorry, Terry. Lucy had a question. I this is your data, part one,
Terry Steen:I figured you didn't think I could handle it. So you were gonna just move on. And so I wouldn't embarrass myself.
Dan Wheeler:I want to see how you were doing today. Because every day is different with you.
Terry Steen:You're always looking out for me.
Dan Wheeler:At this age, never, and you're having a pretty good day wanted to try?
Terry Steen:What's the best way to start reading your Bible? That was the question from Lucy. And, you know, typically for me, I encourage people to initially go to the book of John, you can really learn about Jesus, why He came to earth, a lot of his sermons and the things that we will understand and get to know about God's love. So if you read the book of John, then go back and start reading through the New Testament, that is a much better way to begin your walk with learning the Bible, and then after that, go back and start taking on the Old Testament. But I wouldn't just pick up a Bible start in Genesis and work my way through it just doesn't seem to be as effective. Right?
Brian Roland:Notice, not an order like that.
Terry Steen:It could be that way, right? It was written that way chronologically.
Dan Wheeler:The whole bible points to Jesus, and then his second return, but some of the Old Testament you know, if you just start out reading Exodus or backache or some of those books, you might not quite understand it. So the New Testament gives you a good perspective. And I and she asked for tips on witnessing I say, Just share your story with people. Tell them what God has done for you as certainly a great place to start. And we kind of have a philosophy here at Fearless faith. We do our morning cups of inspiration. We have a mug we call it, you know, coffee table evangelism, just over a cup of coffee.
Terry Steen:Yeah, yeah. And I'll mention again that we have a couple of podcasts on witness team and telling your story. We've got a podcast for everything. Yeah, you go back to 83. And it'll be on witnessing and 107 is on telling your story. And I think an important thing is to realize people watch your life. If you say you're a Christian, they watch your life. So you better walk in integrity and character. show unconditional love. They'll know we're Christians by our love. And then listen, listen to what the Lord says. Because that's where the opportunities open up to witness at the proper time. But if we're not listening, we're gonna miss them.
Dan Wheeler:And we never judge but Brian, I hope you paid attention to what he just said. Yeah, yeah. All right. I
Brian Roland:remember I was gonna tell you though, what you were talking about before then you had said about how you biotoxins might take a person out to because nothing evil is going to happen down the road. When I was my sophomore year in college that summer, I lost three close friends one each month, June, July, August. One was was Phil Johnson, he's really strong Christian, but he had his ups and downs. And he was just strong and on fire, but he got killed in Iowa on a freeway that was divided and a truck came across and broadsided these guys. And I couldn't understand that. And I had trouble with it. My pastor led me through that saying he was at a place where he was so in touch with God. And he was doing the work that summer for him. He goes, he made Robert moon because he knows what's going to happen down the line. He can can ever, never take that away can never understand why God's some of things he'll do. But he may be doing it for that reason. And like you said, like you said, he doesn't want to be back here now. He's with God now. And so. But that's that was the one thing I was gonna bring up when you were saying that. But a long day, I thought Robert had asked, What are your thoughts on suicide? Is it a sin because it is taking a life? I always thought that you were taking our life. And that might not be in God's plan, although God knows, all our days are numbered and when we're going to be joining him. But for friend of mine again, was he he died. And he was they call it a suicide. You overdosed on prescription drugs, because he was he had been in pain. So I don't know if it was if it was on purpose, or if he was just in so much pain, that he was kept taking these. And a pastor told me saying that we don't know what state of mind he was in. We don't know what was controlling his mind. We know that he was a Christian. He's accepted Christ. He all told us that too. And when you're in that position, and you're you're already passed out, or you're getting ready to go into eternity, you have you're having a one on one meeting with God, there's gonna be a last time a reconciliation there because the devil is trying to grab you. He's trying to get you with all he's got to the very last second. But don't you forget that God is there too. He's standing right there. And he's just waiting for you to ask him to help you. And ask him to forgive you. Because you got that last chance. I mean, that's what I think. But people that wonder if their vote didn't that, and the devil is coming at him. I never forget my father asking my mom, Can God forgive me for the things I couldn't do? Devil was hitting him on all his fault that he was weak, we get as far as like, he couldn't leave people in prayer. You just felt unworthy of those. And my mom goes, No, it has nothing to do with it. But, you know, this is what this is what Satan will try to do. And I think that a lot of people are in this state. self inflicted is one thing. But the state of mind, I think it's something that we have to really take to heart and think about. And I think God looks and he sees everything that happens after that. After that point. That's my own feeling. Yeah,
Dan Wheeler:and if you're listening, and maybe you've gone through this with someone you love, we just want to encourage you that God loved your loved one. And like Brian said, Only God knows the heart. And God knows what was going on. And it's just a very difficult thing. But we want you to know that you we're here for you. You can write us on our Facebook page and message message us or on our website at F faith.org of faith.org. All right, Tara, you ready? The big one here
Terry Steen:another one that we won't truly know till we get to heaven. But it is pretty apparent in the Bible that we will not be married in heaven. And Janie made a comment and submitted something saying that it was disappointing to her because she doesn't like the idea of going to heaven and not having that relationship with her husband. And if only my wife would love me, and I think that too, but I've got my doubts. So I'm not sure on that one. But here's my thought, if this will help Janie out my thinking is is that marriage is needed here on earth. He set it up as the ideal because we as humans, we needed that companionship, we need the support from one another to go through the highs and lows of life and share wisdom and have a family but when we get to heaven, we don't need that relationship anymore. I think it'll be so different once we get up there. In fact, the reality is, we're only loving down here with our human concept of love. I think when we get to heaven, we're going to love on such a greater level that will probably love the person that was our spouse here on Earth even more up there than we could down here on Earth. So I think Scott knows all that. And it's going to all work its way out and there will not be disappointment when we get to heaven.
Brian Roland:I was thinking about Tuesday that we are the bride actually. And we're going to meet up with the bride groom. Yeah and so that is our marriage when when we accepted Christ we he's in our life now and so we're together with him. Yeah, I've got that's good
Dan Wheeler:and I love my wife and I loved my first wife and I certainly love Pam with everything but I'm just glad there won't be driving your traffic and oh boy, because I couldn't make it without my little helper in the car tells me when the lights green. So tell me how fast I'm going I love my little helper
Brian Roland:at least you're allowed to drive
Terry Steen:built in system to tell me how close I am to the car in front of me to
Dan Wheeler:get to mark the spot make sure I wise we fast forward through this. Love you guys love their wives too. comes from a friend of mine, Jim a buddy from high school. And he says what is a Sabbath rest? Well, it's pretty simple. It's, you know, the Jewish people based on the the 10 commandments and, and God's example, in Genesis two verse two after He created everything on the seventh day it said he rested. He gave us that that example. And so Jewish people or Seventh Day Adventist Sabbath keepers, they start sundown Friday to sundown on Saturday, a 24 hour period. And really it's not just to rest but it's to focus on God to to just kind of give him that day and not do any work. And in people say, Well, wasn't that just for the Old Testament but in Hebrews chapter four, verse nine we read, there remains then a Sabbath rest for the people of God, for anyone who enters God's rest also ress from his own work, just as God did from his so God knew we need to recharge our batteries and we need to take one day a week to do that.
Terry Steen:Then you know, many people don't do that even from a practical standpoint, we need that physical break as well as the spiritual break. And too many times that doesn't happen and they don't honor that and it can come back to be a problem later.
Dan Wheeler:Yeah. Is that true? Brian? I mean, Terry even when you like your your whole life philosophy set the bar low, right?
Terry Steen:Well, yeah, I mean, I had multiple Sabbath's throughout the week. I Oh, I was extra spiritual. I would like five Sabbath's and then I'd work two days.
Dan Wheeler:It's good thing you're Boston. But tired, likes to start out slow and then taper off. Hey,
Terry Steen:retirement, I haven't noticed any difference from what
Dan Wheeler:he's like sedentary one day said, Ben, Ever wonder how you did all that work when you work? And he goes what we're talking about. All right, Brian, your next love.
Brian Roland:Seal wants to know, do miracles and in the book of Acts? No. And I'll say emphatically no. I think miracles actually took off at the end of Acts. You know, when the Holy Spirit came down, it was like fire these people and they just they just went out and spread the word. But miracles took place. Jesus even said you will do this and even more. Yeah, and and it's the gods honor His glory, though Jesus didn't perform a miracle just to do do a miracle like this, the Pharisees will say, do this or do that. And he's not going to do that. He's not a magician out there. He's not there to entertain. It was to honor God. But miracles still happen today. And that same way. And I know and I can say for a fact and fatica Lee, because, again, you may have heard this before, my sister had multiple sclerosis. And the Lord healed her. And he healed her when my mom, she went around the table saying Does anybody not believe it all. We have any ounce of disbelief, I want you out of the house. And we also know we believe in it. And here she anointed her with oil and prayed for and right there. The Spirit of God went through her. She said she felt the heat from her tougher head to the bottom of her feet. And you could just feel it in the room. She wasn't healed instantly. And he got progressively better, better, better, better. And then she went back to the doctor. They said it's in remission. Don't have any children don't do this. You know, it's just gotta watch a close. She had another child. They're still checking all still in remission, comes down to 20. Some years later, she wants to get life insurance. And she put down the she had Ms. And they said are you sure you have that? And she goes, yeah, she was called the hospital Chicago. They said we have she goes and she goes don't even have a record of who you really like it's gone. So when he does something he doesn't complete. And she was at the 32nd stage going into the third and final stage. She was already starting to drag her leg in there. And so we knew how bad it was because my uncle had passed from that before so we were aware of it. But we saw God heal her. And to see that I can No, I don't deny it at all I could never. It's like seemed like the people when they saw Christ after he rose from the dead, you can't deny it. You can't do it naked tell that story. And I could tell because it's true. And that can happen. It's at a person or to back it up. She's still here, right here. Yeah,
Dan Wheeler:I wrote my book hurricane of love about several coincidences in the world's eyes that I knew were miracles because God did something for me right at the moment, I needed it. And, and just out of the blue, and I know, they're miracles, and we won't get into all of it. But Terry, I, you know, you just life itself is a miracle.
Terry Steen:I think it's a miracle that we have people that are willing to listen to us thrilled.
Dan Wheeler:Beyond the miracle that's beyond them. Yes, we know. Well, Terry, why don't you handle number 11. And then I'm going to move to our last one for the day. And we're probably going to have to do a part two on this one. So many questions. It's
Terry Steen:a blast to do. So this one is from Jim also his cremation. Okay, for the Christian. I know, there's been a lot of thought and talk about that. But when you get down to it, there is no place in Scripture that it says you could should not be cremated, it just doesn't really address that per se. And you know, back in Genesis, it talks about from dust to dust. And I think the bottom line for me is and Karen and I were probably choosing to be cremated ourselves just because we didn't want to have one specific location that our daughter would feel obligated to come to to pay respects. We want her to put us on the mantle. Wherever she goes, or maybe put a little inner pocket, I don't know. But this is
Dan Wheeler:a very selfish reason you want to kind of pay respects every day of her life.
Terry Steen:That's what I'm thinking. And my needs to be an ornate thing that everybody sees, and then Karen just a little smaller. But I digress. The reality is God can do anything. There's he can however, he is going to choose to take our bodies reunited with him and be raised up into heaven. He can do it any way he wants. Can you hear me? Yes. All
Dan Wheeler:right. Our final question one of our viewers, and I'm sorry, I didn't write the name down. But they want to know, are there other team members to fearless faith? Is it just a three? And yes, of course, there are other team members. Tara, your wife, Karen is very involved in our ministry
Terry Steen:spends a lot of time with the Instagram and has done it for a number of years now. And people really enjoy that. And she takes that very seriously does a lot of research and prays over what she posts there. Yeah.
Dan Wheeler:And that was kind of beyond our pay grade. Because you have to be creative. You have to be thoughtful, you have to look up with knots, you
Terry Steen:have to be able to spell. She's, she's an English major. So this comes easy to her,
Brian Roland:or Bookman,
Dan Wheeler:my wife, Pam shoots all of my videos now, which is great. And we talk about them and she's getting a good eye and coming up with ideas. And, Brian, I know Debbie has shot some videos for you and as your constant consultant. And she, she always gives us good feedback on our podcasts and things.
Brian Roland:Right? She's HR, she lets us know what we can say and not say
Dan Wheeler:what couldn't do this podcast without a team member that I'd like to bring on right now. He is our producer John. John, you never knew that you would be a part of a ministry called fearless faith along with everything else that you do. I
John Matarazzo:have no idea what that God is gonna be a part of what I
Dan Wheeler:love. Yeah, I met you at a station when you were producing TV and I was promoting my book in Pittsburgh. And then I heard you did podcasts. And we started talking over the years and I thought, man, maybe this is something we can do with your help. So thank you so much. You're welcome.
John Matarazzo:I enjoy it. Yeah,
Dan Wheeler:John.
Brian Roland:Zone podcast two.
Dan Wheeler:That's right. Along the way. It's an excellent podcast and where can people find that podcast?
Unknown:Anywhere that you that you listen to podcasts? It's even on YouTube. I've got a YouTube channel there. But you can find it on Spotify, Apple podcasts, YouTube podcasts, and basically anywhere you look. It's all along the way. All one word, and along the way dot media. Yeah,
Dan Wheeler:well, you can just stay on until you roll the final credits but by whenever we open our Facebook up, we get flooded with questions. So it looks like we're gonna have to do a part two on this maybe next time maybe down the road but it's Thank you for your questions. And thanks for being a part of our team fearless Faith Ministries, check out our Facebook page at FFM 60. Our logo is three flames, check out our website@faith.org and also check out our YouTube channel Brian, we're up to like we've got like 2200 subscribers there and 2300 videos we've been put our podcasts there so this has been fun and we so appreciate you watching. Be sure to tune in next time so we can all finish strong.
John Matarazzo:Thank you for listening to finish strong. For more information about finished strong and fearless faith check out their website F faith.org. Make sure that you rate and review this podcast to help more people accomplish their God given purpose so that together we can finish strong