Finish Strong With Fearless Faith

Running Life’s Race Together #123

Fearless Faith Season 4 Episode 123
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00:00 | 22:18

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The Three Amigos of Finish Strong wrap up their time together at the National Religious Broadcaster’s Convention in Nashville in this episode. They share the fun, comradery and the desire to spread the Gospel that they experienced.  Terry said, “It’s always great to be with other people who are running the same race together.  It’s wonderful to see all the people who share our desire to tell others about Jesus!”

You will love hearing these three guys talk about their amazing friendship and their amazement at how God has used Fearless Faith Ministries.  They are three college friends who decided they wanted to use their retirement years to serve God and tell others about His amazing love.  They discuss the things that have been accomplished just because they made themselves available to be used by the Lord eight and a half years ago. Today this podcast is heard in 178 countries around the world and this is just one part of their ministry.

Don’t miss the fun, embarrassing stories, laughter and spiritual lessons that Brian, Terry and Dan share in this edition of Finish Strong!

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